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Hatsan Escort stripping question


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got a hatsan escort yesterday and when i cleaned it after roosting last night and put it back together, when the forend is off the barrel just pulls out, i cant rember if it did this when i stripped it and i cant remember whether the ejection port was open or closed when i stripped it, but the barrel comes out regardless of the position of the firing pin block not, also cant remember if my old one did this


forgot to add,

it seems pretty secure when the forend is on

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It will be fine mate, the forend cap will stop it form coming off as long as the barrel is all the way in it's ok.

Did you slide the bolt half way back when you put the barrel on? :hmm:

Semiautolee made a great video of stripping down and cleaning a Hatsan, well worth a look.

I think it should be pinned

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...and also make sure that the 'O' ring is put on before the barrel is put on!

There's a lot of dodgy vids on YouTube where the individuals put the ring on after the barrel's installed. This will result in a lose forend, this had me banging my head against the wall for days :lol:


Haven't seen Semiautolee's video, but Bakerboy seems to know what he's talking about :good:

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made no difference

when the bolt is back, it slides out about .75" and when it is forward it comes out completely. i just dont fancy the idea of the barrel being held in place by a piece of this plastic forend :s


Mine needs a really hard second push in order to get the barrel flush took me while to get the hang of it.

Just out of interest, which model is it?

Mine is the mark 3, and wouldn't want to be giving you wrong advice on a gun I'm not familiar with.

My RDF showed me the difference between the MK1 and the MK3 last week, inside it's a totally different setup.

If in doubt mate, take it to your gun dealer for a stag :good:

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got a hatsan escort yesterday and when i cleaned it after roosting last night and put it back together, when the forend is off the barrel just pulls out, i cant rember if it did this when i stripped it and i cant remember whether the ejection port was open or closed when i stripped it, but the barrel comes out regardless of the position of the firing pin block not, also cant remember if my old one did this


forgot to add,

it seems pretty secure when the forend is on

I hope you found semi's clip of use.



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here we go feel free to comment on it, couldnt find old post :good:






A very good vidio however .... When reinstalling trigger pins fit them in from the opposite side to the ejector port ..... Why well you see the tubes ( Carrier pins ) these pins run through have a slot and clip on the port end ....and if you do not line up correctly there is a good chance you will break off slot and clip if forced in from the port side.

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A very good vidio however .... When reinstalling trigger pins fit them in from the opposite side to the ejector port ..... Why well you see the tubes ( Carrier pins ) these pins run through have a slot and clip on the port end ....and if you do not line up correctly there is a good chance you will break off slot and clip if forced in from the port side.



:look: i never knew that :blush: thanks for the heads up :good:

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