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Fac Referee form.


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Hi guys,


Im after some help.


On the guidance notes for my FAC referee forms it says I should fill in questions 1-3 before handing them onto the referees.


Question is, should I also fill in question 4?


The question that asks what firearms I am applying for and what purpose the rifles will be used for.......the referee's wouldn't know this information.



Gee :/

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Hi guys,


Im after some help.


On the guidance notes for my FAC referee forms it says I should fill in questions 1-3 before handing them onto the referees.


Question is, should I also fill in question 4?


The question that asks what firearms I am applying for and what purpose the rifles will be used for.......the referee's wouldn't know this information.



Gee :/


If it states questions 1-3 then thats all you need to fill in,dont think its a requirement for your referee to know what your applying for.

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I just told mine what to put down, just so that it was in the handwriting style as the referee's!



You are supposed to fill in all questions prior to giving the form to your referee. This includes question 4 in which you are asked to fill in the details of the firearm you wish to acquire and its intended use.


Once he/she has that form they must fill it in, seal it in an envelope and return it to your FLD. This should be done in confidence without YOU seeing its content.

Dictating what to put down wouldn't go down too well with your FEO and could be seen as not complying with the terms of your application/renewal.


The whole reason for this is for the referee to decide for his/herself whether they are happy with what you are asking them to do.

Simply telling them that you want them to fill in a form in which you may well have told them that you are going to buy a little .22rf for target shooting, then getting the form back from them and sending it of yourself, and then going off and buying a .22-250 for fox shooting, may be seen as being a little deceitful.


You have to tell them what rifle you want, the calibre and its intended use, otherwise they won't know how to answer the questions that they MAY be asked at some time during the application procedure.


Be upfront and you will have nothing to hide or worry about.


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Just to confirm.


When I asked one of my referees if he would be so kind as to do so, he has no knowledge of guns at all. I said what I was applying for and he filled in the relevant sections. HE then sent it off in a separate envelope himself and I had no further involvement or input. It was merely to clarify and give details on cal etc.


I put in for 22lr, 17 HMR and .223 of which all were granted (although the 223 is getting changed at a 204 ruger as that's what im going for now).


There was nothing underhand about the application, but was done just to help out someone who wasn't knowledgeable about guns etc.




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Just to confirm.


When I asked one of my referees if he would be so kind as to do so, he has no knowledge of guns at all. I said what I was applying for and he filled in the relevant sections. HE then sent it off in a separate envelope himself and I had no further involvement or input. It was merely to clarify and give details on cal etc.


I put in for 22lr, 17 HMR and .223 of which all were granted (although the 223 is getting changed at a 204 ruger as that's what im going for now).


There was nothing underhand about the application, but was done just to help out someone who wasn't knowledgeable about guns etc.




Not saying there was ;) Just pointing out the pitfalls to anyone who may think that they can get around the system.


My referees were my local farmer and my club secretary. My Sec' knew about guns but my farmer only knew about shotguns. But he wanted rabbits and foxes shot :D so he signed it. He actually filled in the form while I was there, but he was given an SAE and asked to seal it before I left.



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Cheers for the advice so far guys.


The forms are here ready to be handed to them, with everything they need to complete it and send it off. I trust them enough to complete them and send them off without me intervening.


Just concerned over that question 4 as they wont know the difference between a 22,22lr,223,22-250 etc etc,


I will probably end up filling that question in for them, that way if they are concerned or forget what calibre they are refereeing me for, they can at least them google it to find out.

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Cheers for the advice so far guys.


The forms are here ready to be handed to them, with everything they need to complete it and send it off. I trust them enough to complete them and send them off without me intervening.


Just concerned over that question 4 as they wont know the difference between a 22,22lr,223,22-250 etc etc,


I will probably end up filling that question in for them, that way if they are concerned or forget what calibre they are refereeing me for, they can at least them google it to find out.


Which is exactly what I have done for more years than I wish to remember.

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