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Tenterfield fox call


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Went over to a local farm to me to try out a whistle that i bought quite a while ago but never had any faith in as it basically sounded to me ****, and has been sitting on a shelf never used. After watching some you tube clips of shooters using one and bringing foxes running in i thought i had nothing to lose and give it a try.


I only shoot foxes when asked to, there are no game shoots on these farms, but one had been seen a bit close for comfort to the chickens. Went to a small wood close to the chickens, started calling, the magpies and crows went mad, they were coming in like pigeon decoying on a good day. Didn't see any foxes. Moved a couple of fields away and tried again, same thing magpies and crows came from nowhere going nuts, the more i called the nuttier they went. Then one of the crows swooped down as in attack mode, didn't think at the time of seeing this,but coming to me was a last year's vixen cub creeping through the rushes, bang down she goes, put the range finder on her 34 yds.


So although those whistles sound **** to me, the wildlife seem to respond to them. Now i know i was on "chicken protection duty" and the farmer was happy, because i actually "like" foxes, i always have a feeling of sadness when i shoot one. Just hope it was the right one.

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