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i`m sorry to say but i think this is a bad idea as i see this.

if the police dont think he is responsible enough to have sole access to his guns they shouldn`t have granted his cert in the first place.


You're missing the point. The clearly do think he's responsible enough (or they wouldn't have granted the cert) but the law does not allow him to be in unsupervised possession.



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Hello - i might be able to help you out - im 17 now and when i first applied i was 15, my parents also had the same idea about the keys but the FEO told me that it was illegal for my perents to have any of the keys, even thought they technically wouldnt have access to the guns in the cabinate. This is just what i have been told, it mattered little anyway, as i always tell them when im out shooting and for the first few months whenever i went out shooting i was pheasant shooting and had to get a lift of my parents anyway, the whole thing comes down to trust IMHO.


Yes you can GIFT a shotgun (ie no money changing hands in payment for the shotgun) to a person under 18 who cannot buy their own ammo or gun, as long as they are OVER 15, So you should probably give the lad some carts or the whole escapade becomes a bit pointless.

To gift a gun, instead of writing "sold" on his/ your Cert you just write "gifted"/"Givven" and you'll need to fill out the form for the transfer of a shotgun for you firearms dept.


Unless the laws changed its all OK. so if you run into any problems contace basc or someone.


Also might be nice to take him out shooting, this way you can see if he has any bad habbits that you can give him pointers on, although the FEO obviously thought the boy safe and mature enough, you (the op) doesnt really say how much experience he has.

Edited by demonwolf444
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