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pug 306


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A question for a mechanical mind. I have just bought one of the above cars 1.4 petrol. The cooling fan will come on when i turn the ignition on not started even when the engine is cold. Also a stop warning light is coming on the dash when driving. Water and oil levels all ok i know its not much to go on but any tips on finding what the problem is will be great thanks.

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on the back of the radiators on the 306 if my memory is correct there is a plastic box running down the side of the rad....inside the rad is the relays the box lets water in and this makes the fans stick on as it also rotts the wires....also check the wiring looms under the front lower panel behind the bumper as when peugeot made the looms they used steel pegs to run the looms round, this damaged the looms and they also corrode well known problem....have a look at them if not the switch to test the switch just disconnect it and make sure your aircons of if it has it as this will automatically start the fans.


have a look here.



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if you're not that mechanically minded don't you think it'd be a better idea for your local garage to take a look?


Took it to the garage he said to keep a eye on water and oil as it could be anything he wasnt of great help. If i know the cause i can do it myself just i dont know what it is.


Had the same problem on my 406 V6, changed the 2 relays and that solved the problem. The other culprit could be the ECU temp sensor which is a cheap part and probably the first thing I would change.


Was the two relays inbetween the fans? Behind the fron grill? Thanks everyone for your help.

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