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theivin bugger


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just ordered some pizzas and kebabs from the local kebab house and the bloke delivering it knocked on the door went to pay him and a black man jumped in his car a drove off he left it running. :good: no buisness insurance it was his own car aswell :good::lol: just shows there allways somebody watchin

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I saw a dominos scooter stolen in the same way the other week, but the bloke that nicked it managed all of 25 feet before stuffing it up and kerb and into a row of wheely bins. He promptly got up and ran another 30 feet before falling over and opening up his chin on the road - if only I had my camera :good:

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Thats one of them too, you ring a pizza place up and make an order, when they ask for my address they say, ahh sorry we dont deliver there, or they come in a car and LOCK it, i was at my sisters house just up the road the other month, we ordered a kebab, made our order and so on, they said, can we have the address please, yep sure told them, ermm sorry m8, dont deliver to that area, so we had to go get it :no:


All becouse of these theiving little ***** :no:


Or id your out on a night, and call a cab, get in the cab and they ask where you going, we say where we live, they say arhh can you pay upfront please, it is teribble

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