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high velocity projectiles


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hello, I think it's time to start regulating air rifles because the technology today has higher velocities than when air rifles were first invented. Some of htese air rifles are pushing 1600 feet/sec. I think the criminals are priced out of these because they are quite expensive. If Scotland can come up with a good game plan, I would like to pass it on to other legislators in the US. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the advantage criminals can have by using these. They are basically impossible to track adn even harder to get ballistics out off. thanks.

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hello, I think it's time to start regulating air rifles because the technology today has higher velocities than when air rifles were first invented. Some of htese air rifles are pushing 1600 feet/sec. I think the criminals are priced out of these because they are quite expensive. If Scotland can come up with a good game plan, I would like to pass it on to other legislators in the US. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the advantage criminals can have by using these. They are basically impossible to track adn even harder to get ballistics out off. thanks.


Why would criminal types want to buy/use an air gun of whatever velocity when firearms of all types are freely available in the US, legally & otherwise including the Saturday night special.

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Oh catdad, please check what Lewis and Clark were using when they went coast to pigging coast would you? They were using high velocity pcp air rifles, Girandoni air rifles in fact. Why? Faster projectile speed than black powder and quicker reloading.


Why deny your fellow Americans the advantages of Lewis and Clark?

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No registration, No regulations, (to an extent of course!) keep hold of your guns in america, once they are registered they know where they are when they decide to take them off you.

High powered air rifles go on firarms certificates in the UK, anything under 12 ft/lbs (roughly 600 in .22 and 800 in .177 (depending on many factors i know)can be owned with no kind of licence.

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