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Lamping basics


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My cousin bought an air rifle non FAC, scoped torch and laser, got a 12v lamp, got permision on an airport to clear rabbits and got a 4x4. Loads of rabbits all over the place, they were very skitty but we know for certain they don't get shot as no one else has permision.


What we ain't got is a clue what to do!

So who can help us with the basics? Do we drive around all night stop shoot and move on? Do we stay in one place if we know they are there?


Do you shine and keep the lamp on, do you use the lamp for spotting and switch it off?

Loads of silly questions I'm sure, as I'm not into Lamping at all.


Before anyone jumps on us for shooting so inexperienced, we're both capable shots on targets, know about gun safety, backdrops and all the rest of it.


Also what distance is a good distance with a sub 12lb gun for rabbits?

An offer may come out for someone to tag along to have a shoot and show us the ropes, but got to get permision for another person before I promis that one.


Thanks in advance guys



Edited by Cosd
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its easy cosd 2 or 3 man team 1 driver 1 shooter 1 lamper or can be done if driver can lamp as well but hard if he has never done it before.


1st you need to drive it in day time and check out all the things you all ready no ie buildings , ditches, roads for access then drive round as steady as you can scanning the lamp about till you find a bunny hold the lamp just under him so not to give him sun burn of lamp cross on head fire but all that needs to be done in tandem with drive getting you into firing position .


it will take you a few nights to work as a team but once masted very effective way of control on bunnys try a red filler on lamp that will help if they are jumpy and windy nights are better to cover vehicle noise any more info pm me mate


and the distance thing 35 40 yrds at night is about right but head shots only or you will get runners pick up as you go round or its a nightmare trying to find them all later. and 1 more thing lot harder to judge distance at night so practice at night before hand mate


and the parking up bit will work but its more a time thing waiting for shots if nobody's shooting them they should be easy to do from 4x4 shame you carnt shoot 22lr on there you don't need to get as close

Edited by swiss.tony
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Cheers ST

We know the lay of the land because my cousin was an aircraft engineer for years there.

Cheers for the advice and will bear in mind to give you a shout if we need to ask more.

I'm certain more tips will follow on the thread.


What distance should we max out at as beginners? We're both pretty competent at 30+ yards on the targets.

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Cheers ST

We know the lay of the land because my cousin was an aircraft engineer for years there.

Cheers for the advice and will bear in mind to give you a shout if we need to ask more.

I'm certain more tips will follow on the thread.


What distance should we max out at as beginners? We're both pretty competent at 30+ yards on the targets.

they will kill out to 50 yards but you need to very good and the thing is time they don't sit still long so id say max is about 45 they often just stop for a few secs just before they go under a fence or into cover that's the time to fire at them but timein is paramount that's the drivers job to get you into firing position

Edited by swiss.tony
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I'll throw in another question, what's the best ready to fire set up for around the £600 mark?


Benjamin trail .22, any good? This is half the price by the way.


AA S410K or the Classic, £600 will get you a decent second-hand one and the charging gear to go with, plus will have change for pellets.

(its gonna get bashed about so don't go pretty)

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aa s410 theoben rapid hw100 pretty much all pcps are good, but if your in 4x4 summin like bsa ultra will be spot on nice n short to pass around manovre.


as to lamp get mate to help

also use summin scope mounted like a nightsearcher 400 lightforce!


how to do it......

lamp rabbit,,,,, get within distance lamp on,,,,,off gun ready on shoot,,,,,


if a rabbit runs flash lamp on n off in front of it you can make them stop sometimes.


silencer use a hw best for money allday long


filter,,,, i like amber but now using nv and a laser designator

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