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mechanics or vivaro?traffic owners


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anyone either work at or own 2010 vivaro or similar got a question there are 2 yellow caps on top engine btm left is the dip stick what is the other on right of this and higher up,,,and heres the big question if there is white sludge round there what would be the problem is it moisture or head gasket etc,,,,,many thanks

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anyone either work at or own 2010 vivaro or similar got a question there are 2 yellow caps on top engine btm left is the dip stick what is the other on right of this and higher up,,,and heres the big question if there is white sludge round there what would be the problem is it moisture or head gasket etc,,,,,many thanks


From what i remember of my vivaro,the other cap is the oil filer cap,if there is white sludge it means water has got in,could just be on the edges of the cap,worth checking the dipstick see if the oil looks good.

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yea i know what the yellow caps mean,,,ive got an older vivaro was looking at this one today mine has only the dipstick one thats why i wanted to know what the other is for the guy selling is going to say its nthing to worry bout hence im doing my own digging,, :rolleyes:

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thats what i thought,,but did not know what this second yellow filler was for,,, whether oil or collant etc i know condensation can cause same gunk thats why i wanted to know what this cap is for if you get the drift,,,,may be one to avoid.....

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I recently sold a big petrol merc and I only noticed when the bloke come to pick it up the oil filler cap had some creamy white sludge on it and around it, the actual oil in the engine from the dipstick was all nice and clean though. The only thing i could think was moisture from somewhere and the engine not been run hot for a while.

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