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This mornings outing


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I love watching your videos and seeing stalking skills well used, but I have to say that this video of yours was a refreshing change from "the norm"!

That buck either hadn't read the script or it had taken an overdose of "bravery pills"!

From the video it is onviously hard to judge the range but if it had been within 100 yards (and I will no doubt get shot to pieces for saying this) I would have been tempted to take a head shot on him which he offered well on several occasions while he was lying in the grass! (Having said that I realise that we could only see what you were seeing with the video camera and not necessarliy the view that the shooter was seeing from his position.)

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The range was just under 100m's.

If alone I still would have done the same, through my experience can usually read the deer and can usually get them to stand. As you will have seen in a few older vids.

Like demonstrated here.

Clients are allowed occasionally neck (if close) but never head.

It would also have been the best buck he'd shot so a head shot would have damaged the trophy. Thats a difference between those shooting for bone/meat and those who just want the meat.


A client shot a buck this morning at 22m's in the neck (after i told him to) dare i post the vid?

The background is undeniable the shot was good, though not quite how I might have shot it, but good non the less and the deer never suffered. (it never even heard the bang). Or will i be accused of promoting bad practice or my bussiness.

Will that or this post be allowed to run a reasoned path?

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I can't for the life of me understand why you could be accused of "bad practice" for encouraging a client to take a neck shot! :no: If the client was capable of taking a neck shot successfully, (and only you could have decided on that one) then who is in a position to judge or crytisise?

When all is said and done you are the man on the spot and you are the man who "calls the shots"! Surely you of all people have more than enough experience to make that decision without people faulting you! - But then again, as we all know there are always some that think they know better! :yes:

I understand what you are saying about the head shot and that is something that I had not taken into consideration when I made my previous post. I can understand what you say about "spoiling" a potential "trophy head". I still say that I might well have taken the head shot myself at that range but I am not in a position where I might have to have to supply a "trophy head" for clients like you are!

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I can't for the life of me understand why you could be accused of "bad practice" for encouraging a client to take a neck shot! :no: If the client was capable of taking a neck shot successfully, (and only you could have decided on that one) then who is in a position to judge or crytisise?

When all is said and done you are the man on the spot and you are the man who "calls the shots"! Surely you of all people have more than enough experience to make that decision without people faulting you! - But then again, as we all know there are always some that think they know better! :yes:

I understand what you are saying about the head shot and that is something that I had not taken into consideration when I made my previous post. I can understand what you say about "spoiling" a potential "trophy head". I still say that I might well have taken the head shot myself at that range but I am not in a position where I might have to have to supply a "trophy head" for clients like you are!

Well you have seen how stirred up people are on here now.

I realy can not be bothered anymore at the moment I am very tired with the hours i'm doing now. If you want to see the latest vids look on my youtube channel or subscribe.

91 deer this year and 50 bucks now with the 1 this morning. Not counting the misses.

165 deer last year and so on.

people need to remember how many hours a year that means i'm with the deer. I have to make judgement calls every day in real time and not on replay.

I am busier then ever and nearly fully booked till after the rut(mid aug). So despite my critics I must be doing something right most of the time or I would be in a factory fitting nuts onto bolts.

I not saying I never make a bad call or I know everything but I have seen more in a month then most will see in a year or more. With different people using different guns and ammo. Thats even better being a spectator then looking down the scope all the time as i see everything good and bad and have to cope with more then a few situations which have gone wrong for any number of reasons.

regards john

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It sounds a perfectly respectable profession to me. After all, if no one did it, we'd have no guns to shoot!!! :good:

I agree but its not my thing. No factory work would be. Its a straight enough statement and a personal 1.

The coments after mine are hardly putting anything into this thread?

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Its a sad time when a few shallow people put one of the better guys off posting. Out of order and taking posts off topic.

Who needs an anti when you have pigeon watch.


I Like to watch videos of people getting out and doing it rather than being a key board shooter. I for one will still be watching the You Tube collection.


As always...



...Nice shot, Reload!


All the best


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I've just subscribed to your Youtube Channel and watched the 22yd nech shot. Excelent shooting! No hesitation, perfect shot placement and a first class humane kill! What anyone might fault qwith that I hate to think.

Keep em coming mate! :good:

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I've just subscribed to your Youtube Channel and watched the 22yd nech shot. Excelent shooting! No hesitation, perfect shot placement and a first class humane kill! What anyone might fault qwith that I hate to think.

Keep em coming mate! :good:

Thanks lads, but you won't see any here for a while. Its not the debating or banter i'm sick of its the 1 or 2 who pop up from time to time and disect everything and derail threads on purpose. The whole point of a section for photos and vids is to put some on. If they dont like to see such things dont click on that forum. Simples I would have thought. Even if they do, The mods are quite caperable of making desicons as to what should stay. They can delete when they choose so why is there always this trend to abuse a members right to start a thread. Leave it to the mods (report it if you like) but leave them to it. :yp:

Let a thread take a natural course with relevent debate. :good:

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It will be a great loss to PigeonWatch if you stop posting your videos on here as they are always such high quality! It's such a pity that a small handfull can spoil things in such a way for everyone else!

I will happily watch your videos on Youtube and post my comments there so as I said earlier - Keep em coming! :good:

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I Am with you Frenchieboy 100% , YDS is obviously good at what he does and being out in the field

is able to make quick decisions on the spot, better than any keyboard sniper.!!!! YDS i shall certainly be subscribing to your youtube channel, And Frenchie its about time you put up some new video,s as well!!!!!

atb brian

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Both Frenchieboy and YDS have suffered at the hands of a few, I would like to say thanks to both of you for your videos and posts, always informative, sometimes starting debate and often thought provoking (a good thing) I already subscribe to YDS youtube and find the videos useful as Im sure do other members of pigeonwatch, dont stay away too long. Im sure that most real members of this forum feel the same. All the best to both of you. Moorman. :good:

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Well it's a great shame that you've been put off of posting your videos up John. I really like watching them as I'm sure most of us here do. But as you say there's always Youtube.


That's another little loss to the forum. In my opinion the mods need to be sending out some advisory notes to a few members here. We're all entitled to our opinion, but at the same time once it's been given some people don't know when to shut up. :angry:

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this was not about the film that john put up it was the comment he made later

Which was a personal opinion and never meant or aimed at anyone who has a job like that.( and i think everyone else realised that) :no:

But if they are on here and have an interst in shooting I would guess they might consider swapping jobs with me.

M.M. your coment was nothing more then a snipe, say what you like the boys and girls here will make their own minds up.

regards john

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Which was a personal opinion and never meant or aimed at anyone who has a job like that.( and i think everyone else realised that) :no:

But if they are on here and have an interst in shooting I would guess they might consider swapping jobs with me.

M.M. your coment was nothing more then a snipe, say what you like the boys and girls here will make their own minds up.

regards john

John this was not meant as a snipe at you it was just meant to point out a comment you made that did not sit well with me thank you ian

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