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couple more bucks


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well this weekend has been somthing else on friday night i went out with my son for a look round some ground we seen plenty doe,s but only seen one buck just on dark it was feeding on the edge of a rape field about 250 yards from us but was working his way along the reape to us but by the time it had got almost too dark to shoot he was still 150 yards out and we decided not to shoot him as if he had run for the rape it would have been a night mare to look for him so we went for a lamp round and caught up with a wee dog fox i a grass park out over the bonnet lamp on thump one dead fox he was walking away from me at about 70 yards and i put a round right up his hoop witch took most of the belly out of him (not a picture for the week hearted )and then never seen anything else all night .


on saturday i was up at 3am after getting in at 12.30 the night before and headed to my shoot on arrival it didnt look to goot with a cold wind and very over cast but as i was there i went for a walk i headed to a wood i know there is a good buck and as i entered the end of the wood not 20 yards in there was the big buck i had seen a few times before but with a lot of trees between me and him there was no shot on after 5 minutes a young buck walked out of some cover and the two set about having a wee scrap the young buck lost out and bolted up the wood to me at about 15 yards he spotted me and stopped big mistake on his part he went down on the spot.as i was heading back to the car with him i spotted 3 more bucks but none stood still long enough to get a good look at them .by this time it was now 5am and i decided to go and sit up where i had seen the buck the night before sure enough he was still there but this time he was at the other end of the field and an easy stalk got me into 70 yards of him i got on the sticks and was waiting on him offering a good shot when a doe walked out the wood not 30 yards from me she spotted me and was off back into the wood barking all the way through it i turned back to the buck who was now giveing me the once over and broad side on so i put the cross hair on his chest and sqeezed the trigger he lept about 6 feet in the air and turned and ran into the rape i watched the rape moving as he ran through it then it stopped i gave it five minutes and got the dog out the motor and put him on the spot where the buck had been standing the was a good show of blood and would be easy to track but i wanted to give the dog a go and put him out he made short work of the blood trail and found the buck in less than a few minutes a with the dog running in circles round the now very dead buck the rape real result the buck had gone 50 yards into the rape before he had dropped on cleaning it i noticed the round had just clipped the rear of the heart so two bucks in one morning


then on sunday night went out with verminator 69 lamping foxes at his shoot we shot 6 foxes on the night 5 cubs and a dog fox we seen one more but i will let allan tell you what happened there :lol::lol: it feels good fella when its not me that misses :blush::blush: sorry no pictures of the foxes as they were not pitcures for the faint hearted messy very messy

the bucks were ok weights the first was 41 lb and the second was 34 lb




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Nay bad write up fella but your spell checker must be ******.Also have you wormed that ferret in the pic lately as i doobt it very much?Are you positive that is antlers as its hard to tell as the ears are bigger,and theres a possiblity with all the inbreeding you fellas do its a new 4 lugged strain of roe.Good job on the foxes though,ill give you credit for that right enough.

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Nay bad write up fella but your spell checker must be ******.Also have you wormed that ferret in the pic lately as i doobt it very much?Are you positive that is antlers as its hard to tell as the ears are bigger,and theres a possiblity with all the inbreeding you fellas do its a new 4 lugged strain of roe.Good job on the foxes though,ill give you credit for that right enough.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: yer a tool right enough will see how yer potlicker turns out :yes::yes:

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Nice beasts well done.

thanks buddy :good::good:



A very productive weekend mate , good stuff.

I was out this morning and saw **** all :no:

thanks buddy funny you should say that buddy we dont seem to be seeing them at night and seeing plenty of bucks in the mornings :hmm::hmm:
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Another few good bucks there pal, I'm going to try get back up to my spot end of June.

thanks buddy gives a shout when your up buddy if i am here we will try and get out :good::good:



well done mate top stuff and a nice write up to boot! hope all is well bud talk soon.

thanks alex struggling on buddy still nout sorted here yet hope to talk soon


Edited by cocker3
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