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Problems with a beretta


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so two weeks ago I purchased a Beretta S55 O/U from a gun dealer for £300, not a lot of money to some but right now for me it is. I loved the look of the gun and the fit was excellent, i inspected the barrels and all was okay, I broke the gun and the movement was nice and tight so purchased it with confidence. The dealer in question states on their website that all second hand guns are inspected before sale and come with a three month guarantee.


I went to use the gun today for the first time and the first cartridge went off with no problems, went to fire the second cartridge and nothing happened, thought it may have been a dodgy cart so tried another still nothing. So I broke the gun and noticed the firing pin was missing, I hadn't noticed this when I bought the gun as I didn't think I would need to check it.


So i decided to just use the one working barrel and this worked for another 5 shots and then the firing pin snapped.


I'm stuck in the middle of a field with my dad and uncle trying to shoot clays with a gun that doesn't fire, my dad had brought along his other shotgun which doesn't fit me at all and I couldn't shoot with it very well and had a frustrating day missing everything.


I rang the dealer and they said bring it along and we will sort it, I then explained that they are a 100 mile round trip which I have completed once, and will have to complete a further two times to drop the gun off and pick it back up again. I have also paid £40 for a days clay shooting which I didn't enjoy.


Aside from the gun being fixed what would you guys expect/want the dealer to if you were in my shoes?


Many thanks


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I'm affaird I agree the distance is your problem, but fixing the gun is theirs, maybe they could replace the firing pins the same day so you could get bite to eat etc and save a trip?????

BINGO! sounds like the best idea yet, i agree it's a royal PIA for you, (i'd be fuming) plus they should have at least fired the gun to make sure it works before moving it on, but ring them and see if this is a viable option, perhaps get few extras out of them for your trouble.

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Have the shop do a TNT reverse collection and redelivery to you thats the easiest way out, the shop if they are reputable will probably swallow all the costs.


Failing that post it back special delivery and have them return it when its fixed, as its a repair without a change of ownership its perfectly legal to post as long as its a signed for service with a reputable carrier.


Theres a problem and they have offered to fix it, post it off and thats the end of it



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