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Yank hunter says hello


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hello gentelmen i am an avid bird hunter from michigan in the USA and looking for help. i live about an hour north of detroit and have been a hunter most of my life since the age of about 12 on. here in mich. we hunt ringneck pheasant (imported from china about 80 years ago, and in very limited numbers now),ruffed grouse(a native bird of the most cunning type and one of the most challenging and delicious game birds in the states), and woodcock (in good numbers during there short migration thru). i have shot dove in Virginia several times and enjoyed it emensely. the southern way of dove shooting is all about family and friends and the young ones in particular. the father to son hunting tradition is alive and thriving in the south like no where else ive seen.

the way i found your group was in looking for some shooting in ireland in OCT. of this year. i will be in the killarney area the first full week of oct. and in lietrim the second full week . i would like to find maybe a hunt club for shooting a bird or two over a pointing dog (by the way we have an english setter and a german shorthair as my hunting dogs). so if any one could steer me in the right direction i would be very thankful. and if any one needs some one strong but not to smart to carry decoys and kit my son T.J. and i would certainly love to tag along as observers on a pigeon shoot.

either way i would enjoy talking to a hunter from the other side just to swap stories and lies.

thanx and good hunting Tim

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Welcome grousedog, hopefully some "local" knowledge will be forthcoming. :D


However, here is a couple of websites that may be able to help.






You should be prepared to travel some distance from your holiday base, if necessary.

In my experience commercial day shooting, is not readily available.

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Hi grousedog and Welcome.

Its nice to hear how different things are over there I have always like the respect the Americans give to hunters. I guess people over there have a hell of a lot of respect for tradition and the empathise how much hunting has to do with your rights.

Over here it used to be much like the U.S everybody in the country used to know about shooting and how much it is related to helping the environment and protecting birds, But now shooting and hunting faces a lot of opposition these days. I certainly love the American attitude towards using nature and the environment as a resource and protecting it rather than exploiting it by building new towns and city’s which is sadly what happens over here.

Sadly being at school at the moment I know that nothing over here is taught on this subject at school. Iv had it drummed into my head from the age of six that I should have the up most respect for the people moving to this country and there traditions like slaughtering pig with a sharp knife but as for the traditions of the people of this country they are to be forgotten, like the ban on hunting fox’s with hounds they have imposed in Scotland. Yep that’s right you can kill animals in a cruel way if you are part of some kind religion but you cant chase no fox with no hound because that makes you evil. Thankfully my parents have taught me to basically ignore the ****** at school and living in the country all my life my Mum And Dad have always taken me hunting shooting and fishing and encouraged me to get into it with my dad working on a farm I got into from a young age are but other youngsters aren’t so lucky. They have drummed in to their head that all forms of hunting are bad from the T.V media and even some of their teachers! Thankfully there are still some forms of media that support us but they usually come under attack from the antis as well.


Well I hate to have had to post that but that’s what it’s getting to be like over here! I’m not tying to put you off because I love this country and there are still loads of great people in it, many of my friends don’t shoot but they respect my decision to Shoot and I respect their views as well. I guess I’m just jealous that you Americans have got it all sorted out! And hopefully one day the U.K will have it sorted like you.


Your in for a shock if you come over here mate but if you stick to the rural communities you will still find that most people in them have the up most respect for shooting and even the few people that shoot in the town will have respect for you. If your going Ireland its quite a rural country and the people there are great + they have great shooting! Overall the United Kingdom and Ireland are great countries and Pigeon shooting is a great sport I hope you enjoy your trip over here. Just listen to the People on this site and you will be fine.


All The Best BigDave15

Good Huntin!!

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where abouts in michigan are your from as i have a friend who lives in cold water in branch county.


As for shooting over pointers and alike we have field trails on our syndicate shoot later on in the season in the midlands if that is any good to you. East Midlands Airport is about 20 min drive from the shoot.



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