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Black powder 16g


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I have chance of a 16g hammer gun, damascus barrels, very tight and appears to be in good condition. however it is proofed only for black powder with barrels marked "not fo ball". What are the legalities of selling/buying a gun that is not nitro proofed. Is it safe/legal to use any form of nitro cartridge or do I have to use black powder and how much do they cost?

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I have chance of a 16g hammer gun, damascus barrels, very tight and appears to be in good condition. however it is proofed only for black powder with barrels marked "not fo ball". What are the legalities of selling/buying a gun that is not nitro proofed. Is it safe/legal to use any form of nitro cartridge or do I have to use black powder and how much do they cost?


Best take it to a proper gunsmith for an appraisal.

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It is a bit of a myth about dama barrels letting go!


Lots of testing was done years ago on old badly pitted barrels of fluid steel and damascus and the damascus ones actually were safer, the fluid steel barrels when they did let go were more lethal!


Treat it to 50 BP shells now and then and enjoy :good:



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If it is English Damascus(as oppossed Belgian) then would not be concerned by its strength.It is however proofed for BP for a reason,probably its age!

What are the bore measurements/chamber length/value? To get it stripped/prepared/sent off for N.P. nearer £150-£180.It would be foolhardy to use modern cartridges without having it proof fired.With NP clearly a far more useable gun as 16g BP rarer than rocking horse pooh..unless you are prepared to homeload.If measurements/condition are good get a NP for 1oz,very likely to be fine.Be aware of course that if gun fails proofing it is your loss/will still need to pay gunsmith/proofing costs.If you want to shoot more than 1 oz loads go buy a 12gauge!


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