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We had our Grandson come up from Sussex and stay with us for a few days, this Saturday we took him to Sporting Targets for a Try Day, he had a go at Clays, Air Rifles and Archery, he loved it, would not stop talking about it afterwards and his Mum said he was the same all the way home. He kept the first cartridge he shot and a number of other ones , along with any unbroken clays he found on the ground to take home , with as many magazines brochures etc he could carry, they also gave him a free Cap which he would not take off. He is a very happy boy and cannot wait to come up and stay again. :)

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I was hoping the day would go as it did, his mum said she had a bit of abuse from some nutter types when she posted how much he enjoyed his day, on a well known social network site, not sure which one but assume facebook, full of keyboard warriors. She said she also got a lot of positives , and when he goes to school and goes on about the great safe and fun time he had to his mates, it's good for shooting to be seen in a positive light amongst kids from non shooting familys :good:

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