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4 hours in the sun


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Managed to steal a few hours this afternoon, and headed to a new perm and to a field of corn which was cut yesterday.


Farmer had left the combine in the field, so I decided to set up at the rear end of it, sun to my back, wind right to left. Set out the crow and 3 pigeon decoys I have and sat down for 5 mins before the birds started coming in.


This is the first proper go at decoying I have had, and it's a great learning curve. My 'rough gun' was going in the bin after missing a fair few birds to start, so I put it away and got out my usual clay gun and got on them nicely then.


Finished the afternoon with 24 blacks with 20 picked, and 13 pigeon with 12 picked. Think my best shot was a rook which flew over my head and I picked out at circa 35y and up high.


I can honestly say it was one of the most enjoyable afternoons I have ever had! Watching the pigeons swing in off their line was amazing and unexpected, as we don't have big numbers down here to set up exclusively for them, so I was all about the corvids to start.


Farmer was happy and had a few pigeon for the table, and there's a few left for tea tomorrow.


Some pics :)


Home for the afternoon.





View to the left with decoys.





View to the right with decoys and a bird dropping by!





The end bag.



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