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Farmers not getting it bad enough


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If farmers ain't getting it bad enough already with the weather spoiling crops and the price of stuff etc. i felt for this farmer i have met him on a few occasions and my mate and i shot this huge field with good results only two weeks ago.


found out today he got a chap in yesterday with mates bailer on loan, started to do the field bailer broke down and set fire to crop, he lost bailer and most of the crop / field



i suppose they must be insured but its all the hard work gone into it, to lose it in the last stages

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Your right , you may have a farm worth several million but it's your crop that puts cash in the bank. Just imagine a country with all the farms bought by property developers and all our food imported. I was told by a farmer once the cost were a third to plough and seed , a third to fertilise and combine,the last third is profit and that's what the pigeons eat into.

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Oh how strange, because same thing happened down here on monday! Two fire engines tackled the blaze after a combine caught alight

yeh spooky, i was chatting to chap who told me, and said i cant see what on a bailer could start a fire, i could understand the tractor.


mate said i did not what ask more info from farmer he seemed a bit down ( not surprised i suppose). my mate and i are wondering if it was combine, what ever its still bad news.


we were also wondering how he would be covered by insurance his mate operating machine which was on loan from another

Edited by djgeoff
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yeh spooky, i was chatting to chap who told me, and said i cant see what on a bailer could start a fire, i could understand the tractor.


mate said i did not what ask more info from farmer he seemed a bit down ( not surprised i suppose). my mate and i are wondering if it was combine, what ever its still bad news.


we were also wondering how he would be covered by insurance his mate operating machine which was on loan from another


Usually a bearing overheats and sets fire to fine dust and chaff.Happens much easier than you may imagine,everything on a baler is under a lot of pressure.

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Usually a bearing overheats and sets fire to fine dust and chaff.Happens much easier than you may imagine,everything on a baler is under a lot of pressure.


Absolutely, happens a lot to combines too, keep em clean!

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