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Bringing your picking up dog lamping

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Was just wondering has anyone brought their dog when lamping for rabbits as the other night we were out and lost a few because they had either scrambled into the nearest piece of cover after being shot, or else they had been shot in long grass and were hard to find? We thought it would be handy to have the dog in the car as we don't like leaving them behind has anyone tried this?

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We shoot our rabbits off the back of a pick up with shotguns and have the dogs in their box in the back. If we hit one that scrambles into a hedge or nettles we stop, unload the guns, let the dog out who 9 times out of ten finds and retrieves the hit rabbit. Problem solved. Then put the dog back in and away we go. The use of a dog is needed more in our case of shot gunning the rabbit as they are already running for cover and the odd one does get hit in the back legs so its definately needed in order for every rabbit to be humanely dispatched if wounded. Also, in fields where we shoot several in one patch, a dog is very useful to cover the ground for any rabbits not picked.

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hit in the back end :blink: :blink: .............with a rifle


Not a shot i should choose to take personally though have done it a few times just to stop a wounder with the .22 and its pretty darn effective. the last time must have been about 2-3 yrs ago when i was testing CCI segmenting, i made a bad shot and one squeeled then legged it directly away from me - i have rarely seen a running rabbit stoped instantly this one did as if pole-axed, lirally like hitting a wall (the origonal wound had little to do with its instant demise)

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