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17hmr the truth


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Ha - I just kick them to death, but only do it in slippers because I'm nowt if not humane.


Before anybody says it, I know there weren't any slippers when some of ya were lads, only clogs and oranges in stockings at Christmas, but my grandad never had any stockings, only bare feet.

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Using other peoples Rifles: under direct supervision of the effective land owner (includes people carrying out a service for the farmer..... eg.... permission holder or owner of sporting rights) no problem at all.



Unless you have a FAC which automatically restricts you to only using the firearms on your ticket and for the use they're conditioned for. Basically if you use a firearm in the field and it's not on your ticket, you're actually breaking the conditions of your "grant of a certificate" and committing a firearms offence. The perversity of it is that no cert = no offence. The law is an ***.


The rest of your post I totally agree all this has been done to death before.


Anyway, I've shot a fox at 1300 miles with a .22 rimmy. I checked the distance with my Busnell pro500(?) rangefinder :P:P:P:P:D



AND IT WAS IN A HOWLING GALE :good::oops::huh::lol:;)






I know i am just putting fuel on the fire, but i happen to know that you can deffinatly use a rifle whilst under the direct supervision of the person who owns it on land they have lawful authority to shoot over. I have been in contact with the basc to confirm it and read up on the conditions in the law to the point at which i am satisfied i am doing nothing illegal. Basically the answer to this is to only do what you as an individual are happy to do when guns are involved. Dont take anyones word for it, do your own research and come to your own conclusions and base decisions upon this.


So BASC are giving contradictory advice as well then. When you consider how they slate the police for the same thing (Pot Kettle springs to mind).


I've discussed this at length with my FLO as well as BASC who both told me what I've posted.


Fuel on fires require Oxygen and heat to burn by the way, so I think you're safe. :angry::D:D




PS Down South:-


Knicker elastic? You had knicker elastic?




Oh! What I would have given for some knicker elastic. We had to make ours out of elastic bandages...



....after grandma had finished with them

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  • 2 weeks later...

personally i think it's a round with out a purpose ! its useless even in the smallest amount of wind, for a rimfire it's too expensive to run its too noisey and i think it is pointless to shoot rabbits or blow rabbits to bits should i say at 200 yards why not just get with in 100 yards of them and cheaply and quietly shoot them with a .22lr then if your hungry you can go pick the rabbit up and take it home to eat rather than goin over and scraping wot ever is left off the floor and hopeing the local chinease will buy it from you

I shoot a lot of match rifle at 100yds and I can assure you a .22 subsonic will move over 2 inches at 100yds if the wind is blowing.

I have heard so much nonsense over the years from people who claim to shoot rabbits at 125yds with a .22rf. And then when you go with them you find that they have trouble hitting anything over 70yds….because they think that they are shooting further than they are.

I had one chap who was adamant that he was grouping into 1 inch at 100yds with his .22 rimmy only to find that his idea of 100yds was a little over 50 paces. :yes:

The .17hmr has a purpose and if you owned one then you would realise what this purpose was.

As for blowing them to bits…….well, this is another fantasy invented by someone who has never shot a rabbit with one, because I can assure you that a headshot rabbit at 150yds has hardly any noticeable difference from one shot with a .22rf at 60yds.

And if you body shoot a rabbit with a .17hmr then you will be in the same boat as body shooting one with a .22rf…..both will cause enough damage to bruise all the surrounding tissue. Anyway, I only use the saddle and the rear legs so it doesn’t make a jot of difference either way.

And as for noise….yes of course it’s noisy; so is a centrefire, which is why you stick a sound moderator on the end, which quietens it down to a level comparable to a .22HV.

As has already been said, most of the adverse comments about the .17hmr seem to come from people who don’t own one. It’s a bit like rubbishing a certain make of car because you have been told it’s **** by someone down the pub. :lol:

If you own one, and don’t like it, then fair enough. But if you don’t own one, and simply go by what others are saying, then you shouldn’t give such an opinion as you have no first hand knowledge and shouldn’t therefore put forward an opinion based on hearsay and gossip. :lol:



firstly mate if you read my post i said get with in 100 yards not stop and shoot all of them at 100 yards and for your information i had a .17 hmr and that is my personal opinion of them take it or leave it but don't say my opinion is wrong because it is only an opinion prsonally i find them to expensive to distructive and to loud for lamping rabbits and i PERSONALLY don't like the idea of shooting a fox with a bullet of that size and weight i know it is capable of knocking a fox over with out a problem but i would proffer a centre fire with a heavier bullet so it gives you that margin of error thats why i brought a 22-250 that is why i think it had no purpose and so it had to go

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Firstly I’m not your mate, and secondly I also prefer a .243 for foxes, but can vouch for the effectiveness of a .17hmr on foxes from first hand knowledge and not because of a “Feeling†that it may not be good enough. :lol:

As for whether or not you owned a .17hmr…….well that’s debateable because you don’t seem to have much knowledge about them. :lol:

Still, if you wish to put forward your opinion then feel free; I don’t care much one way or the other. :yes:


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Firstly I’m not your mate


From your comments here, G.M., you probably don't deserve any. The object of joining a forum like this is to benefit from the opinions of others. It doesn't matter if you agree with them or not. I've learned a lot from being a member of this forum and if you check back on this thread you will see that I have had my *** chewed by a few who don't like what I have said about .17 HMR. It doesn't matter - I am grateful for their feedback - you need to develop a thicker skin mate (or not - your choice). If you cannot put up with the contradictory views of fellow shooters how are you going to cope with the tree huggers?



Best wishes to ALL on PW - keep your powder dry!



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Firstly I’m not your mate


From your comments here, G.M., you probably don't deserve any. The object of joining a forum like this is to benefit from the opinions of others. It doesn't matter if you agree with them or not. I've learned a lot from being a member of this forum and if you check back on this thread you will see that I have had my *** chewed by a few who don't like what I have said about .17 HMR. It doesn't matter - I am grateful for their feedback - you need to develop a thicker skin mate (or not - your choice). If you cannot put up with the contradictory views of fellow shooters how are you going to cope with the tree huggers?



Best wishes to ALL on PW - keep your powder dry!







Graham has been a long standing, very helpful member of this forum, he has only recently changed his name from gemini (ring any bells?) due to a mix up.


I would trust Graham/Gemini's advice over almost everyones, he's been very helpful to me, both on the forum and via PM, he is very experanced and to be honest i dont know a better example of a good PW member. Yes that last post sounded snotty..... maybe it wasnt the best post to make.... but we all have bad days. He was just making a point, prehaps put across in the wrong way.


just bear in mind that post count dosent nessicarily tell the whole story :good:


you have more than likely recieved advice from Gemini at some point. Most have.

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Yes that last post sounded snotty..... maybe it wasnt the best post to make.... but we all have bad days.


I think you are missing my point (ok it is my fault for not making it clearer!!!) - we all have a right to express differing opinions here. Those who don't like diverse views need not log in. The number of posts is irrelevant. If you are starting to count them as a measure of someones ability to comment you need therapy!



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Yes that last post sounded snotty..... maybe it wasnt the best post to make.... but we all have bad days.


I think you are missing my point (ok it is my fault for not making it clearer!!!) - we all have a right to express differing opinions here. Those who don't like diverse views need not log in. The number of posts is irrelevant. If you are starting to count them as a measure of someones ability to comment you need therapy!




so graham has done what wrong then?

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Firstly I’m not your mate,


snotty or what!


As for whether or not you owned a .17hmr…….well that’s debateable because you don’t seem to have much knowledge about them.


How do any of us know what level of knowledge other members have?


This forum is just a nicer place to visit when folks listen and do not jump down each others throats.



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Well Badsworth, I do seem to have upset you over this and if so then I do apologise. You are correct that these forums are a nice place to visit if the atmosphere is generally more cordial, and yes I was on a bad day. :whistling:

HB has in the past asked some rather basic questions and has always received answers to these questions from both myself and other members. And it is these questions that depict the fact that HB isn’t very experienced, hence the doubt about his experience with the .17hmr.

Perhaps it was a little harsh, and my second reply was then prompted by the use of the word “Mateâ€, a term which I loath being called by people who I don’t know (shop assistants usually). :good:

You are also correct that the number of postings certainly doesn’t’ necessarily qualify a person to speak about a topic, but if you look through the forum in general you will see that I don’t really post many things unless I can offer something of value.

Mind you…….your reply wasn’t really very friendly either was it……. :look: :look:


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I found that the 17 V-max bullets weren’t the best because they seemed to explode too near the surface and didn’t have enough mass to carry on into the fox (unlike the 70grn .243 v-max).

It was only when I started to use the CCI hollow points that it became clear that they weren’t blowing up as quickly as the v-max, and therefore imparting more of their energy into the body/head of the fox.

60yd body shots are much easier than 125yd head shots and does give a little room for manoeuvre. However you must still place that little bullet in the boiler room in order to avoid a badly wounded animal.

I only use the .17hmr for foxes if I am shooting rabbits and one comes along, otherwise it’s the .243. I would never consider the .17hmr as a truly dedicated fox round…..but used with a little bit of common sense it will perform very well.


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:good: Thanks to every one thats posted to this reply and to the chap that started the post. :look:


I ve learn't alot from this post, :look:


please remember thoe that people are welcome to there oppinion and how you read the post is not allways how it has been intenderd, we need to stick together chaps as this sport / hobby and job of shooting will only get more restricted and difficult for the honest - licenced shooter and one day we may need everyone we can get together to save it, :whistling:


thanks again KIPPER

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if you wish to put forward your opinion then feel free; I don’t care much one way or the other


good then you won't mind me saying that you need to grow up stop tryin to throw your weight around just because you think you know more than me personally i really couldn't care less( the most stupid thing is that you are baseing my level of knolege on the amount i reply to threads personally i would proffer to be out shooting than sitting at home just talking about being out shooting ) the reason you don't like the word "mate " is probably because its a new word to you don't worry people are offten confussed by new words it just means a friendly way of starting a conversation, if you are that sad you would like clarification that i did own a 17 HMR then i am more than happy to show youn a picture of my firearms certificate

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i,am with nick on this one, gm is a top man. and i think he replied to the post in the same contexts as hill bill had written his.



How can he be a top man Mark? He's a bloody BRUMMIE !!!!! :lol:;) :look: :look:


Dave (wearing reatree down to the undies to hide from Graham) :good:

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