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Clean 22 Mod


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I know – never clean a .22LR but recently I did some competition work with my vermin rifle (Krico) and found the accuracy was way off so time for a scrub up and rebed.


Anyway the rifle was not the issue! The moderator, an old Parker Hale, was absolutely solid with scale. I was first alerted by the lack of crown on the barrel <_< I knew it was there when I put the mod on last. I had to chip that out and then took the mod apart it was just solid. It has not been cleaned for a number of years and must have had a few thousand rounds through it in that time. My question is does anyone know of a good solvent? I’ve scrubbed it with a phos-bronze brush this time and the body is clean but it took some serious elbow grease. The baffles are a different matter as they are shaped and I’m having to carefully chip off the ‘cement’ with a small screwdriver which makes me cringe. From a chemical point of view I don’t know of any by-products of propellants that would cause a scale (at least 1mm thick) that looks like concrete i.e. grey and hard unless this is from the primer!


I tried 009, Brownings’ Legia and a Hoppes Benchrest cleaner but none seem to soften the deposit.



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You need a carbon remover. I use Carb Out.


Secondly, I would suggest you take the moderator off the rifle every time you've used it and store it off the rifle. That way you will stop any damage to the crown.


I always cleaned my PH mod after every 1000 rounds.

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Thanks for the suggestions so far.


So as to try all options I just took one baffle and effectively boiled it in mild detergent and that made no dent so the deposit is not water soluble!


I know not exactly on subject but does the crown make that much difference when using a mod. Certainly it does when unmoderated

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Thanks for the suggestions so far.


So as to try all options I just took one baffle and effectively boiled it in mild detergent and that made no dent so the deposit is not water soluble!


I know not exactly on subject but does the crown make that much difference when using a mod. Certainly it does when unmoderated


Carbon is not water soluble !


The crown will most definatly have an effect even when using a mod.

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