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My first Charlie.


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Me, pg123 and another friend are putting some birds down on one of pg's permissions. As part of this we thought it agood idea to keep the fox's in check...... Something non of us have done before. So last night, armed with a shotgun, squeaker and a pocket of alfamax carts me and pg set out to bag a fox.


As dusk fell we found our selfs a little vantage point and started to squeak, and for what seemed like ages, nothing. Then out of the hedge, out popped Charlie. Now this is only the second time I have ever seen a fox so the adrenaline started to flow quite quickly. Unfortunately he was a little out of range. He soon spotted us and made his way back across the feild behind him and away from us. So we snuck down to a bush on the fringe of the feild we saw him scarper across to try again.


Back to the squeaker and again, for what seemed like a long time, nothing. Then all of a sudden he popped his head pu from behind the bush we were using to cover ourself. Not more than five feet away from me. We had eye to eye like in som sort of Vietnam war film and as I mounted the gun he was off. I let loose with the first barrel but he was still moving, so off went the second barrel........ he went down an stared to flit around on the floor. By the time I had reloaded he had gone. So we did the responsible thing and went to investigate, as we neared where we last saw him, there he was stone dead.


By the time we ha sorted ourselves out it was pretty much dark and we had no camera only a phone so the pics are very poor quality but i don't care. A perfect end to a very enjoyable evening.





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I really wanted to bone the tail and cure it but neither of us had a knife :oops: I did think about taking it home and doing I there but the mrs would have done more than removed my tail if I had :no:

If you managed to get the brush off bring it with you on Sunday and I will do it for you!

A shooter without a knife is as good as a man without a todger! :lol::lol::lol:

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Unfortunately Charlie has been "disposed" of. I normally always have a knife when out shooting but this time I went straight to the permission from work with only the clothes on my back. I didnt even have my gun, I was using pg's. It's no biggie, I will just have to keep the tail of the first fox I get with my own gun :yes:

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