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This Mornings Buck,


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Hiya, Decided last night to have a wee walk round one of the farms this morning..and arrived at about 6.30am...only to find a fairly heavy mist on the higher reaches of the farm..so, undeterred, I carried on..walked round the farm on the track, right to the Forrestry land, and saw nothing at all...not even a crow in the air..

Had a wee seat for a few mins, and headed back, feeling a wee bit cheesed off...half way round the mist just lifted, it was a case of, now you see it, now you don't, and there to my right about 300 yds away, was a lovely little Buck...further back there were a couple other Roe, but too far for me to crawl.....I had to crawl through the peat bogs to get within about 150 yds of it, waited till it turned side on, which seemed like an age,. and took a shot. I actually saw the bullet hit, that's the first time I've seen that.... It dropped down dead on the spot...icon_mrgreen.gif

So, got it, dragged it back to the track, and gutted it. I decided to err on the side of caution this time, (unlike last time when I dragged a carcase about 1.1/2miles back to the car)....as it was still a mile or so back to the farm,. and left it lying, and walked to the farm, and borrowed a tractor to collect it...it's now in the farmers chiller room, and will be butchered tomorrow...The farmer is having half of it, as, IMHO, it's nice to be nice...icon_smile.gif


I'm back out after lunch for Crows, on another farm as I got a little job of supplying a taxidermist with them every month...... :)



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Thanks SS, Went back to the same farm this morning...and got a Fox cub, about 1/2 grown, it was wandering down through the fields from the general direction of the earth, down towards the chicken sheds...let it get to about 100yds, and popped it...nice wee dog Fox.. :) Pics when I get them off my mate.....what a weekend...BTW, saw another better Buck, but left it till yesterdays one is almost eaten.... :)

Edited by Norrie
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Thanks Tam and Cocker,. the farmer is getting a big lump of it...it's only fair.. :) He's been great, and I was due him some venison.. :) I'd never eaten Roe till i started shooting, and TBH, I think i could live on it...my wife was a wee bit apprehensive of it.., but loves it. my Roe Steak with Pepper Sauce have become a favourite of us both in our house.. :) Head is all done too, NOT nearly as good as yours Cocker... very well done.. :)



BTW, Wee pic of the cub...a wee dog fox I had the day after the Buck...,...It wont bother the chickens again..:)



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my Roe Steak with Pepper Sauce have become a favourite of us both in our house..:)

i think tam and me should be the judges of that sounds great but really we would need to try it first lol


thanks buddy (thumbs up)

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