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LR Discovery question


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mate has an old N reg disco 300TDi


He foolishly took it through a car wash and the lights wont work at all. Back, front, interior, nothing at all


checked all fuses and obvious places but no joy. Does anybody know if water can into the light circuitry anywhere and where he needs to check please.


He's had it out in storms and deep water with no problems but 1 car wash and its daylight driving only ???


thanks in advance

Edited by killer_pigeon
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Try a temporary earth using jump leads, one clip on neg terminal and t'other (of the same lead) on a paint and rust free area on the body, do make sure the area you clip to on the body really is paint and rust free. Let us know the result.

Edited by Ratman2
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Do you have a multimeter?

If so, after checking for anything visibly wrong as you have done you need to start by following the wiring and finding out where you have power, until you find the point at which it's disappeared. I'd have thought that the problem would be before the fuse box, I'd probably start by checking to see if there is power to the fuses for the lighting circuits. Then work in the appropriate direction from there.

Is everything else working, apart from the lights? Horn, instruments, instrument lighting, ignition, starter etc?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have you checked all the fuses or just the ones for the lights. I've had this before with mine and it turned out to be a blown fuse that had nothing to do with the lights at all.


only way i found it was by pulling all the fuses one by one.


Do the lights on the instruments work at all.

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