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look what I found on the internet... Anti shooting info.

Jesse James

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Hmm, but is that enough I wonder.


Not sure. Antis never let facts stand in their way. Even on the best educated and explained news article supporting shooting, you get a lot of uneducated and emotional comments from anti shooters.


What I was proposing is that BASC do something to answer common misconceptions about shooting which are put out a lot by the antis in their campaigns, such as "it's only for toffs" and "most birds are dumped and not eaten" and "gamekeepers just kill everything". Just to answer all the arguments used against shooting.

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The problem is the anti organisations are happy to shove false information and there biased views down anybodys throat whether they want to hear it or not. If the BASC went out and started doing this they would be vilified by the general public.

Are approach as pro shooting needs to be a lot more thought out, as most normal people do not want to see animals suffer so it is easier to turn them to anti shooting by lies and mis information than it is to educate people about what our chosen sport actually is.

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What I was proposing is that BASC do something to answer common misconceptions about shooting which are put out a lot by the antis in their campaigns, such as "it's only for toffs" and "most birds are dumped and not eaten" and "gamekeepers just kill everything". Just to answer all the arguments used against shooting.


Agreed, better to have the general approval of the majority of the 'undecided' than let the anti propaganda be the only thing available to them. A proper programme of correct info would go some way to achieve this.


The problem is the anti organisations are happy to shove false information and there biased views down anybodys throat whether they want to hear it or not. If the BASC went out and started doing this they would be vilified by the general public.

Are approach as pro shooting needs to be a lot more thought out, as most normal people do not want to see animals suffer so it is easier to turn them to anti shooting by lies and mis information than it is to educate people about what our chosen sport actually is.


See above, I think it could be achieved (though most of us probably do it 'unofficially' any way, I know I do). You may never convert an anti, but getting a neutral on side is a +1.

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