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Bettinsoli 12 gauge Sporting Over and Under


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My shotgun license is being issued this week and i'm after my first gun. I just saw this advertised locally.



Bettinsoli 12 gauge Sporting Over and Under second hand Shotgun (R/H), £495 @ US$778

Licence: Shotgun, Barrel: 28", Stock: 141/2", Chokes: Multi & Multi

Chamber: 3""

Trigger: 1, Ejection: YES, Serial #: 75809, Stock #: 120630/003



Any thoughts on the price model etc? It seems to tick all the boxes. The gun shop which sells it allows you to try the guns before you by so I will take it out onto the clays next week.

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Looking at RFD web sites a £495 Bettinsoli Diamond sporter only seems to attract a "Good Condition" rating. Worth taking someone who know guns with you to check out the mechanics/fit. As a used gun any issues with second barrels not firing and other well documented Bettinsoli issues should have been dealt with. Might well be getting into wearing out firing pins territory though. I must admit I have (dry mounting only) found Bettinsolis barrel heavy.

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Had my bettinsoli 30" for three years and never a problem, I think some very early ones had a problem with the trigger assembly but guess that was many years ago,.


Nice gun prefer a 30 inch to a 28 inch if possible, good wood normally for the price and italian made so you know their well made


Sorry forgot to say about 4-6 thousand cartridges a year on average and no problem

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Similar, my Betti Diamond is now two years in my possession, used most weeks and never let me down. The pin springs were changed prior to my ownership to cure the second barel not firing problem (Google it, it's well documented), cheap fix and most will have been done if required, it does seem to affect earlier guns mainly.

Edited by -Mongrel-
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if i were you id find a 30" sporter rather than a 28" sporter. reason is the 28" sporter are harder to sell on than 30" 32" sporters. reason being folk dont want 28" barrelled sporters, as the longer 30" 32" guns are alot more popular. if it were a game gun barrel lenth would not matter so much. but they are not a bad gun there pretty well made and would be ideal for a first gun. choose well

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Got a 28" diamond sporter not had a problem with it, yes there are better guns around but as a starter gun no probs. The reason I went for the diamond was it fit me, the price was right and is used as a all round gun, so used for clays, pigeons and general vermin so quite happy with the 28" barrel choice, but give the gun a try see what you think yourself

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I had one, it was my first gun. When I bought it, it was almost brand new. Never had an issue with it, nice gun all round. The reason I sold it was because another gun came up for sale that fitted me better. The Bettinsoli was a 30" barrel, and I changed it for a 28". Barrel length is very much a personal prefference, dont let people tell you which you should buy.

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I had one, it was my first gun. When I bought it, it was almost brand new. Never had an issue with it, nice gun all round. The reason I sold it was because another gun came up for sale that fitted me better. The Bettinsoli was a 30" barrel, and I changed it for a 28". Barrel length is very much a personal prefference, dont let people tell you which you should buy.


Not owned one, agree cant hit rabbits, barrel length is down to personal preferance. You might find the same gun in different barrel lengths will feel different in their handling for you try various lengths to see what suits you, my preferance is for 30" barrels, while several friends prefer 28" ones,

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