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A very strange experiance .


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This is creepy experience I had out shooting a flooded stubble field about 10 years or so ago in Co Wexford in Ireland ! . Myself & a mate Larry Fortune decided to give the flash in this field a go that night as ducks had been flighting into it in some numbers the evening before . So we set off before dark all kitted out as the weather had turned foul with gale force winds & driving rain that started get in my jacket from all angles & as we waited & waited nothing happened until just as it started to come on dark all of a sudden the ducks started coming but it was now black dark all we could see were shapes in the darkness almost as they were upon us & to make it worse the gale force wind had almost reached storm force ! . We fired shot after shot but we just could not connect as it was so so hard to stand still to get a shot in that storm which seem to get worse ! so we decided to give up & head home .


A couple of evenings later the weather had calmed down a great deal so I decided to try that flash again on my own so off I went all kitted out again across the stubble & positioned myself by a fence with some odd hawthorns dotted here & there . The wind had started to die down until it became flat calm & the moon was starting to rise behind me & I felt a bit doubtful that any ducks would come in as it was now so calm & the moon had now risen enough to light up the whole landscape which looked so spooky as a low mist had covered the stubble & it had all gone so very calm & quite you could almost here a pin drop ! , so different to what it was earlier .


Oh ! well I thought that's the way it goes you win some you loose some ! so I stood there for a minute or so just to admire the landscape in the moon light & said to my self ok time to go .

Then as I turned to face the moon I saw some thing coming straight at my face ! it blotted out the moon & it all went suddenly dark ! as it was almost at my face ! I felt my heart stop & then race again as I dived out of the way so it would miss me !! .

Well it turned out it was a bloody OWL ! only inches from landing on my hat !! :lol: & to this day I don't know who got the bigger fright ! :hmm: .

Edited by Pole Star
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