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how do you store your gun when its wet


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I only use Napier products on my guns but would have no concerns using WD-40 if I ran out any time.


Ive used it for 20 years to protect marine engines from salt water corrosion amongst numerous other uses and its never let me down... (although this same debate goes on on marine forums with people making unsubstantiated claims that its bad for this that or the other... after all this time no one has ever turned up any evidence to support their claims)

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WD-40 is hygroscopic and will attract moisture to the firearm which will result in rust. http://lifehacker.co...i-not-use-wd 40


Care to try and substantiate that claim with something a little more credible than a Wiki-answers clone page?


As said earlier, I've used it for a couple of years now and still rust free.

Edited by -Mongrel-
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Legia Spray and sachet of VP90 seems to do the trick!


Seconded - though I do carry a cloth or two to dry off and a patch soaked in oil that I carry in a an old film canister to wipe over the metal before putting into slip or case before setting off home where I strip and thoroughly dry, clean and oil before putting into cabinet.


I haven't used WD-40 on the shotgun but do use it as a cleaner for my moderator(s) seems to do the job very well and cheaper than bore cleaner!!

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