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If I was in that situation I think I would get the shotgun out. Then I'd back myself into the corner of my bedroom with my other half and shout my position to whoever was there. If they leave with the tv so what? My family would be safe and thet's all that matters. If they chose to come and see if I was serious then they'd have plenty of time to take a look and make their decision but if they made it more than half way across the room I was in then it would be a barrel to the upper body and the law wouldn't even cross my mind.


I think the members here who suggest that people with my opinion "want to shoot a burglar" need to have a think. Say you sit back and you end up getting taped up, your wife raped/beaten until you give them your safe keys and money... That's not going to happen in my world if there is any way at all that I can stop it. If I have to mess someone up then so be it, they shouldn't be there and I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six. :yes:


After reading eight pages of drivel it's nice to see a sensible opinion.

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Should be like South Park - so long as you shout "Oh my god, he's coming right for us" then it's ok to shoot !

God bless the US of A


Very funny. Top episode.


Let me float another point. Whats going to happen if u don't go for the gun and the burglar(s) pull a knife or crow bar on you (both happened to me pre SGC) and your at their mercy. As soon as they find the cabinet they will do anything to you to get your guns and then you've got some

numpty Running around with a few shotties maybe after he's shot the homeowner.


Im not siding with the 'Rambos' but if there's me and a burglar in my house then there's only one of us who will be getting their hands on my guns and that's ME.


As said before I'd rather do 12 than be carrierd by 6

Edited by Browning 425 clay hunter
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