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Laws on rifle cabinets?


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Good evening everyone.

I am considering applying for my firearms licence next month and I was just wondering if anyone could help me on the laws of the ammo storage. Do I have to have a cabinet with a built in ammo safe or can I use my shotgun cabinet and buy a separate ammo safe?

Any help would be great.


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You can have a separate ammo safe, as long as its bolted to a brick wall, the same as a shot gun safe, all ammo must but locked away separately from a firearms bolt too, I think an all in one safe is best


you don't need bolts taking out they say its just good practice most people do it just to make it harder but storing the bolt 6 inch away from rifle is not going to make much difference they wood just take cabinet most cabinets are rubbish and you could get into 1 within 15 mins with a grinder but not many house burglars come armed with a grinder and that wood not help them at mine against max the 70lb Rottweiler


Edited by swiss.tony
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As swiss.tony has said, you do not need to keep the bolt separate. Some police forces may like it, some aren't bothered.


The police do require the ammo to be separate to the rifles, find a combination that suits you best, whether it's a locking top cabinet, keeping the ammo in the shotgun cabinet and getting a rifle cabinet, or getting a separate ammo safe.


If you do get an ammo safe, be warned - the cheap digital ones are absolute junk and can be broken into in seconds. While the police accept these, I would not store rifle ammo in something that will attract a thief to it then pose no challenge to them.


Depending on what your applying for (i.e how many scoped rifles you might end up with once you start collecting), and how big and full your cabinet is, you might want to consider buying a deep scoped cabinet, as normal shotgun cabinets can be very awkward when trying to fit in scoped rifles as they usually have to go at a strange angle taking up more space and getting bashed about.

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