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Lucerne foxes will never learn!

SA Shooter

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After a long and boring shift at work I texted TEH and asked if he was up for a look around that night. His reply came back with in 5 sec. The Lucerne is cut let’s go and have a look over there. I arrive at his place and was still edgy cause of the long boring shift. We got to the farm and as we was driving in I said to Tim, In all this time I've only see 1 fox shot on this ground. Lone behold as we got through the hedge two Eyes! Tim got his mums stolen hand mirror and polystyrene out and started working it. I took the first shot and it sounded like a hit but sure enough it was a mis. The bast@£ took off as I shot. Minutes later in the same place there was 4 eyes, we quickly made for the hedge to change the shot angle. As I was about to shoot Tim followed the first fox as they split about ten meters apart and had to reset LOL. Bang down the first one reload bang down the second one, I could not believe that no.2 did not high tail it. Now having a big smile I was still thinking my rifle is shooting left, just before we pulled the plug Tim said if you think it is shooting left, lets find a rabbit and test it. So of to the next field and two eyes NO it can't be. I set the sticks and Bang no. 3! Tim's reply "I think the gun is fine" Three foxes in less than 1.5 hours cheered me right up.


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