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CPSA or BASC or......or.....


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My CPSA membership has ended and i am looking to renew. The sole reason for joining was for the insurance, is there a better deal to be had with any of the other associations?? A mate of mine has said that the CPSA is good (certainly price wise) but there cover DOES not cover legal costs in the event of a claim. Having any cover is all well and good should you have to make a claim or indeed have a claim made against you but paying your own legal fee's could bankrupt just about anyone!!


Thoughts or advice please.............


Thanks in advance

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BASC all day long. It's where the hetro's put their money and the ladies love a BASC sticker.


Seriously though, BASC are the only large credible shooting organisation with any resource or clout.


There's plenty of threads on this - have a browse. This one will be shut by the mods quite soon.

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I would love you to join BASC and add your voice to 130,000 other dedicated shooters who support BASC for all the work we do for shooting and not just the insurance cover, but I would point out the following.


1. If clay shooting is your main interest, and especially if you want to take part in the registered shoots then it’s the CPSA all the way.


2. I suspect you will find that the CPSA insurance WILL pay your legal fees in relation to a claim being made against you by a third party for loss, damage or injury, it would be very unusual indeed if it were not included! Give their insurance people a call to check.


Best wishes



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Guest cookoff013

i renewed with basc after a break from shooting. i spend all my time shooting clays though.


you dont see cpsa or sacs representatives on these forums?


davidbasc seems to take alot of undue flack sometimes, but he is still representing basc often in hostile environments.

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