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what would you do

pigeon pete

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Exactly, get an ******* life mate. Who knows how long it had been since the guy had eaten. He might have been on the job for ages and needed a quick food fix. These guys don't need knob ends to be complaining about them because they were partaking in a much needed sugar resup on a busy shift. "I have the reg number" woopy ******* doo. OMG.

that gives him the right to eat while diving and put others in harms way , whose the knob and need to get a life now ****
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cheek to overtake you with a face full of food. If you dont like answers / questions try to respond like an adult not a petulant child. Who was in danger? you from death by apolplectic rage at nothing?

you were the one mocking my friend ,if you cant take it dont give it ,there lots more where that came from ,you seem to have a lot of toys ,it was a simple question ,but you chose to mock , whose the child digger ;-)


Yep, that is right, we are all thick but tend to get excited buy things that are important, come on man, get a life. :hmm:

i got one you should try it one day ,it was a simple question about a law man breaking the law
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yawn. plenty more what? insults? Was just trying to show you didnt explain the severe danger caused and it appears you threw your toys further and harder than anyone when you either A. didnt like questions or B. didnt like responses.

no hard feelings

you know the severe danger caused while eating and driving then lol
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you were the one mocking my friend ,if you cant take it dont give it ,there lots more where that came from ,you seem to have a lot of toys ,it was a simple question ,but you chose to mock , whose the child digger ;-)


i got one you should try it one day ,it was a simple question about a law man breaking the law


The Sherriff did wrong, he was trying to keep himself going buy taking in fuel so that he can keep the law and look after KE like you. Please feel free to lodge a complaint I am sure that it will be reacted to with the reaction that you feel will be apt for the terrible crime

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The Sherriff did wrong, he was trying to keep himself going buy taking in fuel so that he can keep the law and look after KE like you. Please feel free to lodge a complaint I am sure that it will be reacted to with the reaction that you feel will be apt for the terrible crime

oooooo getting smart with words now ,there is such a thing as a break at work ,
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why is a 98 year old pigeon called pete from mars,so interested anyway? are you a Troll? :yes: BB

i love mars bars and they need to be treated with the up most respect ,pigeon pete was a name from a cartoon ,am not a troll i will just speak my mind like all of us on here , and iam old and wise lol
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I am sorry PP,


But you realy need to sort your self out. I am not being smart, I am being sensible and hope to god that you have not been issued a FAC. If you have I would be quiet about it, becaue I admit I am not an expert but you do not in my eyes desreve to be an FAC holder

would you prove that in a court of law ,then if so please do ,just to let you know a forum is for debates as well
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ok then one more question for my haters ,if you were caught eating while driving ,you then said to the copper ,i have been working long hours and haven't had a break and need a sugar rush ,what do you think the copper would say or do ???


Please fill me in with your far superiour interpitation of the crime and recomenmded way of dealing with it.

we must think alike on that one we have just asked the same thing lol


ok then one more question for my haters ,if you were caught eating while driving ,you then said to the copper ,i have been working long hours and haven't had a break and need a sugar rush ,what do you think the copper would say or do ???


we must think alike on that one we have just asked the same thing lol

my point in all this is its ok for him to eat while diving but for you or me it would not be
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