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Guest jonrms

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:good: I went shooting last night at the dive centre where I gamekeep for them.

anyway ....


I shot about 17 rabbits..... but noticed that 3 of them had Mixy..... I also observed that some farmers in othere fields were spraying (maybe just coincidence) but I have NEVER noticed Mixy in ANY rabbits shot before...


One poor rabbit walked up to me less than 5 feet away.... which and was in such a bad state could hardly walk and never knew I was there....... I quickly shot it and put it out of its misery...


The other two rabbits that had it... barly had there eyes open.. and didnt know what was going on!


My concern is now focusing on those with mixy.... and leaving the healthy ones...


But ALSO my BIG question..... can these get passed to humans, Pigs, Birds, Foxes?


This is a dive centre.. so I need to ensure that any contact or contaminates with the water are eliminated... they have many animals and I DO not want it to spread.... they have very valuable birds in the water... and I am afraid that if this becomes a outbreak than some serious action will need to be done... more than me shooting them!


Can anyone help...


(PPS I put the three with mixy in a bag.. and burned them aftter death)



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thanks again bud.

I will have the owners of Scuba... (that big dog) get treated... because he oftens hunts with me... it mentioned that dogs can get it... but not pigs etc... should i be worried.. it only covered general aspects of the virus....


I assume humans are not at risk... but like always I have to take precautions.... Looks like some fox culling in that area will be necessary as well... saying that foxes can contract it as well... or did i read it wrong?

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:good: Well good in the the sense that I just called my VET and she advised me that it is exclusive to rabbits... cats, dogs, pigs, etc.. will not be effected!!!! They do advise regular flee ing.... because it can upset them but the virus is NOT transferable..... So Looks like I am on regular mixy alert... and I might need to pay more attention to them rather than shooting the healthy ones.....


Does anyone have a book on trapping...... that I can borrow... or cages etc... I would like to try every option.... If your localish.. I will come by and pick them up from you.. and ensure they are cleaned and brought back safely....


I thank you all very much for your support.. and Stuart.. like always bud your a super star.

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Mixy has been around since the early 50's theres no need to worry about dogs /cats /birds / etc catching it.

But pet rabbits and farmed rabbits can catch it.

It is transfred by the rabbit FLEA, so if u go on a farm or area with mixy then after seeing theres mixy there , and then go onto another farm or area which hasn't got any sign of mixy U CAN SPREAD IT .


So all dogs and other wildlife are SAFE


Hope that helps



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Mix can be passed to a dog? :good: Forgive me if I'm wrong but thought this was Rabbit specific ?


I know it can be carried by other animals such as Guinea pigs but iv never been aware of it being a danger to dogs, cats or other animals.


But just incase I'm wrong....


What threat can it pose? Can a vet treat it? What are the warning signs your animal maybe infected?

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myxi is specific to rabbits even hares don't get mixy , as said already pet rabbits and farmed rabbits can also get it from the rabbit flea , i'm pretty sure that a rabbit can be innoculated against myxi but it's too late once the rabbit has been infected , whilst myxi can't be transmitted to humans a myxi rabbit with low immunities might be playing host to other little nasties so it may be better if it doesn't get into the human food chain.hth :drool:

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