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stunning new work site location


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now that the viking longhouse is nearly done we have been taken off it so that the other squad of boys can finish the inside which is a shame as i would have liked to have worked on it right to the end. then again i cant grumble as we have been put to sumburgh head light house which is only 10 minutes from my house instead of two and a half hours to the long house and its a stunning place to work (on a nice day). the job is the restoration of the light house buildings which is a massive job compaired to anthing else i have worked on. the winter weather is something i am not looking forward to though, its 91 meters above sea level and a tad exposed which light houses tend to be. heres a couple of photos, the first one is not mine but the other two is ones i took off the roofs we were stripping.







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I'd be really interested to see some up to date pics of the longhouse if you have any? The last ones you posted were stunning.


next time i am up there i will take some pics. i think the turf is now on the roof, hopefully it will stay on, bad time of year to be putting turf on a roof.

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