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HW60/HW60J 0.222?


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A chum is adding a triple deuce to his ticket and asked about these. I have no idea except German and likely the Record trigger unit a la HW80.


Who uses one of these and whats the experience/opinion of these over the 'usual suspects - Tikka595/Sako85?/CZ?? in pre-owned please.


Odd ones float about for sale but curious.......so information gratefully received.



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Nice, very nice. I have the 22 Hornet. I would miss the J version and go for either the 60 or 60 JM which I use, but really it's personal preference as usual. My suggestion is for the former if walking is involved or the latter if more static (I'm knadgered so shoot from truck top) and is based on the weight factor.

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I've got HW60j in .22 and HMR. Very fine rifles. If it was me I wouldn't go for the target stock model with the stippling (HW66 ?) The stippling gets very dirty.


If you do fancy a 66 in .222 though Ladds of Crediton had one last week second hand excellent condition with mod about £800 as I recall. They also had a mint Sako 75 varmint wood/blued in .222 for the same money. Have to say I'd have the Sako.

I was gutted I was after a 75 varmint in .308

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Thank you for your replies - friend (The Rebel on PW) will wander over to peruse the HW60 (std barrel) at some point.


The difference apart from barrel weight is about 2-250 notes.


What should he look out for/be aware of please?



V-happy M595 S/S owner

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Thank you for your thoughts Wymberley & Gimlet - the item was fit for purpose, apparently having only fired 68rds, so pristine and being collected today.

Temporarily scoped but with improved optics due, in the form of Zeiss Conquest brought back from holidays, next 2 months.

if I didnt have a 595 I would hope to have been guided to HW60s as an alternative to the regulars.



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Thanks for the additional information duly noted. There were sling swivels (as HW80) fitted but cant rem if they are on studs.....

If stays dry today will give it a workout this afternoon.


Tweedledee - my m595 in .222 has perfomed faultlessly on Roe (in Scotland) and Muntjac & Fox (down south) with the appropriate ammunition.

I will be reloading with Nosler bullets shortly which will provide further experience.


Thanks again.


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