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Miss firing shotgun


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Hay, I have an old lanber 12g, it's started to misfire every now and then.

As it's old I'm thinking of trying to fix it myself and maybe redoing the stock, maybe sand it it down and re-vanish it. Now my questions are:

1- should I do this

2- is there any books/ DVDs

3- is there any legal issues with me attempting it


Many thanks



Edited by buckaroo23
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Depends on why it is misfiring. Is it hitting the pin too lightly?


If so it might be a weak spring. I have seen a number of guns fail to fire because the cavity that the firing pin runs in has filled up with dirt.


I would take the stock off and blow the whole of the action with a compressed air line - if you have access to one. Spray some WD or similar down the firing pin tubes and then blow them out. I would then see if that cured the problem. If it didn't - I would take it to a gunsmith.

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I agree. A lot of old guns get crudded up over time. If doing as Gordon says doesn't fix it, then it's probably a bit more technical and needs an expert eye. I had the same on an old shotgun and it turned out ther firing pin had sheared.

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