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Planning Question - Log Cabin


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The planners use ordnance survey mixed with aerial maps. I have seen them pull a Google aerial photo before.


I've had the aerial photo 'bundle' from the other side in a couple of planning cases and it looked like they use historic aerial photos from the likes of get mapping and then use some sort of over lay software from ordnance survey which marks movement on the ground over time.


I would be interested to know what is in their tool bag

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There is a place not to fare from where I live and this guy has been building a large 9 horse stable for the past year first he built a wooden frame then covered it with plywood then he covered it again with thick insulation boards then covered it again with timber.


Is it me or is this not a bit elaborate to keep horses in I can see in a few years some windows and a chimney suddenly appearing but no surely people would not so devious as to do something like that would they. :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:



I think that this is one of those times when it is good to now someone on the council planning comity as has been said I would try to get the best advice that you can before approaching the council as it can be much harder to get a no decision changed once it has been made.


It is like if you are redeveloping a sight before removing all of the present buildings keep the highest one as you can usually build up to that hight if you decide to demolish it they see the sight as almost a green field sight and may well slap on hight restrictions on to anything that you want to build on it so you get permission first then knock it down.

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Is it me or is this not a bit elaborate to keep horses in I can see in a few yearssome windows and a chimney suddenly appearing but no surely people would not so devious as to do something like that would they. :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:



In some places, the conversion of an existing structure to a dwelling house is easier than applying from scratch - especially if its to look after a rural 'business'. Caravans are another source of subsequent houses, particularly if the owners then suggest to the planners they need to be on site 24/7 to look after their animals !

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What about making it a moveable structure, like the stables that can be pulled around on skids? You might have a case for a new home on greenbelt if you can prove you need it to look after the farm, or for permission for a comfort shelter for workers for health and safety purposes.


check tinyhomes.com for some ideas!


I build highly insulated wooden cabins

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An earlier post (Mungler?) is correct in that aerial survey photos are used as 'evidence'.


If the bundle of evidence is less that 10/12 yrs then the site may be considered the same as, if over this it can be seen as 'lapsed' in terms of the use' - ie you are starting from a blank sheet/greenfield etc.


Again as said by others it is worth getting a 'pre-planning application' opinion from the Planning Authority (some now charge over here), but this will inform you as to how it is likely to pan out. Taking the evidence you have to any meeting would be helpful. I would also recommend that the meeting outcome is 'noted' for the record as matters move forward - that is ask for a written/email reply.



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