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Adding a Hob


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Hi all, Ive got 2 poley Jills at the moment about 18 weeks old, and ive seen an advert in my local rag for an albino hob 20 weeks old. Would I face any bad conciqences adding him in with my 2 girls. My hutch and court is plenty big enough for another, and I want the hob to serve one of my girls in the srping and take the other out with a jill jab. I was just wondering is it ok to mix the 2 genders at this age? :blink:

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UMMM, it should be ok! trouble is that the hob will start to have abit of testosterone start to cycle his body so will show signs of trying to mount them but wont do the business, make sure its a non nippy ferret first before u start to add more, no point in getting summit that isnt right for you.


He should be fine up untill about december then u may have a few problems.



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So your putting an albino to a polecat, you will get albino's and polecats, you could get a whole litter of either though. Very doubt you will get any variations of colours as non of your ferrets hold the colour gene.



My advice, dont breed, the world is full of albino's and polecats, we get around 200 in a year to rehome.




If you were getting silvers, silver mitts, sandies etc then you would have no problem in rehoming them as they are unusual.

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The owner of the hob in question has told me his kids have been handling him for a few weeks now with no problems at all.


Also, what would the colouring turn out as if I were to breed them?


The fact that the hob is easy to handle, doesn't mean that he won't bully jills, or smaller hobs.


If you don't need ferrets to replace, or increase your own stock, its not a good idea to breed them.

Every year there are loads of young unwanted ferrets available.

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  • 2 weeks later...
no problems what so ever with my hob but the gills bully him :D:P:P:D





I wouldn't keep hobs with jills, once they have been weaned.


The hobs can start bullying and rough play, then jills can get hurt.

I also know of three jills that turned on a hob and killed him.


If you can keep them separate, I would.


Be careful, you could end up with a very nervy, or dead hob.

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My advice, dont breed, the world is full of albino's and polecats, we get around 200 in a year to rehome.

Best bit of advice :D


I think ill get him vasectamised as soon as he drops, so he can keep my jills in check!


If theres any problems with bullying, ive got another hutch he can have next door to my girls!


EXACTLY,I used this system for 7 yrs and it worked well.He was with the girls through autumn and winter and went to the batchelor pad and had lady guests at regular intervals through spring and summer :P:P

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no problems what so ever with my hob but the gills bully him :good::D :o :o





I wouldn't keep hobs with jills, once they have been weaned.


The hobs can start bullying and rough play, then jills can get hurt.

I also know of three jills that turned on a hob and killed him.


If you can keep them separate, I would.


Be careful, you could end up with a very nervy, or dead hob.


Just a joke cranny good advice and if it ever escalated from a little telling off from each other then i would move him out mate! :drinks:

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