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fox call


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It could be that you were lucky the first time and had the sound right and have not got it quite right since. It maybe that the others were in ear/eye shot of the vixen and you have now educated them to steer clear of the sound of a distressed rabbit, at least in that area.


Sometimes thats just the way it goes ! It maybe worth leaving them alone in that area for a couple of weeks and then try again. They are crafty *******.


Also if you have called one into range and missed, the chance of calling that fox again are pretty slim.


I've had the same problem in the past. Its worth getting another call that makes a slightly different sound, you may be able to fool them like that.


Best of luck



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Are they breeding at the moment? As when foxes start breeding a few might come to investigate but most will head for the hills. The only other option is as has already been pointed out that being you may not be blowing it quite right, the 1st one may have came to investergate but the rest (possibly older more wise ones) just decide to let discretion be the better part of valor.

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Are they breeding at the moment?


No - Foxes breed for about three weeks in January (linked to the vixens estrous) - this years cubs will be mature enough to breed by then. Foxes will pair up and be fairly inseperable for a few weeks.


The new cubs arrive 7 weeks after breeding.



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srrb if the calls are failing give them a rest for a while they are clever animals and there is an art to call them, try using NTTF lure it works a treat,i have shot 9 using this stuff,if not go to pet shop and buy sqweeky toy cut out the valve, creats a different sound that might interest the little devils. :good:

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,if not go to pet shop and buy sqweeky toy cut out the valve, creats a different sound that might interest the little devils. :good:


Or do as my mate did - go to the pet / toy shop & buy a white fluffy mouse with squeek, keep in tact and go squeeking foxes - with a mate.


I was a bit sceptical (trying not to cry laughing) at this approach until a fox appeared 150 yards away running towards us - my mate dropped it at 20 yards with his .243 (he could barely see it in the x6 scope).


Any squeeky noise can attract them at times.


Good luck in trying.


That's foxing


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Are they breeding at the moment?


No - Foxes breed for about three weeks in January (linked to the vixens estrous) - this years cubs will be mature enough to breed by then. Foxes will pair up and be fairly inseperable for a few weeks.





Down here they go off the whistle from roughly July until around mid October or roughly from once they start breeding until after the pups are about a month or so old.

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