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Only in Blairs britain


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article in local paper - all the christian graves are being moved to point east in order to make more space and not offend muslims!!!!! if you want a christian grave to remain pointed in the tradional direction you have to make a justification to the council - *** is that all about - are we that scared of offending minorities that we are prepared to dig ppl up and move em!!!! whose country is this as i bloody wonder at times!!!


rant over and i apologise if i offended anyone


if this is removed i will understand :good:

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It didn't offend me in the slightest :lol:


It's just so totally feasible :lol:


And so indicative of the regime we live under. ;)


I for one am not ashamed to admit that I'm ashamed to be British :lol:


Because ..............................


I don't know what British is any more, :):):lol:???:lol:


And at the risk of offending some people (eskimo's called mick and seamus ..... and maybe abid) ....


I give to you ........................ :/:lol::good:


Happy Diwali


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im not british. i used to be very proud of being english. whats happened to england in the last ten yrs beggers belief.ive said this in a previous thread but mark my words well. within our lifetime, and i narrow that into the next 5 yrs, our lives will change in a way we never thought believable ten yrs ago. our leaders have truly forgotten that they work for you and me, and we pay their wages to do our bidding., not work against us. the police would do well to remember that too. what is it about our island race that we feel so guilty all the time, we put those who have less right to be heres rights before our own ?

we are a nation of shop keepers and have been cannon fodder, and in times of relative peace, factory fodder. for various monarchs and politicians. both my grandfathers were decorated in the war and im extremely proud to have the same name as them. what really worries me is what is england going to be like when im a grandad? how do you think its going? :good::/;)

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What happens when the politicos forget the opinion of the grass-roots man and woman is that they receive a shock at the polls and others take over. For my part, I really hope that Blair and co continue to ignore the common man and woman for a bit longer so I can jump for joy when I see them kicked out.


I think this may very well happen. Blair iand New Labour are so arrogant that they accept none of the criticism that is heaped upon them. Time for a change, I say.

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Wickedandlazee....Doesn't offend me either, I'm 42 and I do wonder just what my daughter's children have to look forward to sometimes. I was talking amongst family the other day and I stated that I would of preferred to have had my adult life in the 60's or 70's perhaps, when values counted for something. Without doubt this country is on a downward spiral and you almost sense a feeling of revolt, (mostly unspoken), amongst people in general. Unbelievable in a sadly believable sort of way!

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you might be right with the revolt beacuse the more people i speak to who are just sitting there putting up with it but are being pushed to the brink more and more. Thing with us brits us you can push and push and we'll take it but when we snap god help you. Thats where we are gonna be in the next 5 years tops and Mr powell will be proved right!


My main fear is what sort of lily livered society my kids will be in when they get to 18 - well at least mine won't be lily livered i'll make sure of that :angry:

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What happens when the politicos forget the opinion of the grass-roots man and woman is that they receive a shock at the polls and others take over. For my part, I really hope that Blair and co continue to ignore the common man and woman for a bit longer so I can jump for joy when I see them kicked out.


I think this may very well happen. Blair iand New Labour are so arrogant that they accept none of the criticism that is heaped upon them. Time for a change, I say.



As much as I agree with the sentiment the fact is that through proportional representation it is really hard to get rid of this government, you only have to look at the last election - a lot of people were annoyed at Labour but enough seats were kept to keep them in power. Combine that with the fact that 90% of the British populace fall for the spin and you soon see we're fubar.


Just my opinion I hasten to add.



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Agree with all the previous statements :angry:


It's a shame that so many people still believe that Labour are the common man's party they once were. They were the party who railed against all things that smacked of big brother (as in 1984) and touted for the freedom of all. Now we are CCTV'd almost everywhere we go - (except on our shoots) - and the politically correct police are all around us and humour has been left far behind except in groups of close friends or groups who feel they can talk openly amongst themselves. This country is the new version of the old USSR with everyone looking over their shoulder and the threat of ID cards being carried at all times and so many Czars telling us we should do this and we should do that. People getting charged for flicking fag ash out their cars, dropping fag ends in the street - up here in Scotland we can't even have a fag and a pint anymore - unless it is in your own or a relative/friends house. We even have complete bans on drinking in public in many of our towns and villages - do you guys have that down in England as well?

Folks can no longer use their democratic right to air their own views without the chance of a visit from the local screws politically correct representative - coming along to give you a good old ticking off! :no:

Bloody labour party - bloody politicians - they are all tosspots looking to do nothing more than line their own pockets.




suppose I'll be getting a visit from the secret police now for speaking openly about this!

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If you were to make a new party to try and address the problems the other parties and tabloids would discredit you and your new party and make everyone think that you werent upto the job. You would need hundreds of thousands of pounds to even consider it as well for election campaigns and to get setup. Then who will vote for you, if you dont get votes then you dont get seats.

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If you were to make a new party to try and address the problems the other parties and tabloids would discredit you and your new party and make everyone think that you werent upto the job. You would need hundreds of thousands of pounds to even consider it as well for election campaigns and to get setup. Then who will vote for you, if you dont get votes then you dont get seats.


I'm sure you guys would. I'd erm, well, lets see. Bring our guys back from Iraq. Kick out all illeagl immegrants. Have a shoot on sight policy for airport guys who find illegal immegrants. Bring handguns back. Promote shooting. Hang antis. Crack down on gangs and yobs and stuff. Remove speed cameras and other stuff.

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Wickedandlazee....Doesn't offend me either, I'm 42 and I do wonder just what my daughter's children have to look forward to sometimes. I was talking amongst family the other day and I stated that I would of preferred to have had my adult life in the 60's or 70's perhaps, when values counted for something. Without doubt this country is on a downward spiral and you almost sense a feeling of revolt, (mostly unspoken), amongst people in general. Unbelievable in a sadly believable sort of way!


Couldn't agree more, this Goverment is breeding racism, when it comes to a head, & it will, I'm in. More & more people are wanting Right Wing policies brought into effect, me included.


One thing would be certain, my Grandfather/Mother's grave would not be moved for any council who are afraid of offending any minorities, who haven't got the bottle to stand up & say something. Neither for any muslims, this faith is starting to become a virus in this country.



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