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Election Night


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News reports today claim that the overwhelming majority of black and latino voters voted for Obama. This attracted no adverse comment other than suggestions that Obama had mobilsed the ethnic vote. I wonder what commentators would have made of it if Romney had mobilised the white vote...

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News reports today claim that the overwhelming majority of black and latino voters voted for Obama. This attracted no adverse comment other than suggestions that Obama had mobilsed the ethnic vote. I wonder what commentators would have made of it if Romney had mobilised the white vote...


The Republican Party has a serious demographic problem.


It's known as the party of old, white men, and has largely appealed to rural, protestant voters. The only problem is the country's becoming increasingly non-white and secular. Whites only make up 63% of the U.S population now, down from almost 90% in 1950. Also Protestants now make up less than 50% of the country. Yet the Republican Party is over 90% white.


Unless they start reaching out to minorities very soon, it's going to be dead as a national party.

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The Republican Party has a serious demographic problem.


It's known as the party of old, white men, and has largely appealed to rural, protestant voters. The only problem is the country's becoming increasingly non-white and secular. Whites only make up 63% of the U.S population now, down from almost 90% in 1950.


Bit more than that according to the US Census Bureau.



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My point is why would you vote for someone because they are black (or white)? If America really is split on racial lines it is the country that's in trouble rather than the Republican party. If the colour of a candidate's skin is the most important qualification for the job of leader of the free world, something has gone wrong.

It strikes me as an outsider that the chief objections to Obama among republicans are his incompetence and his socialist sympathies. Its a reasoned argument which may or may not be correct; but if Obama's critical attraction is not being white and not being a republican that is depressing and rather alarming because it would suggest to me a nacsent political infantilism in the American electorate which has been well established in Britain and much of Europe for many years and is thoroughly bad news for democracy. I had thought American democracy for all its flaws was above that.

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