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winchester HMR ammo advice/review


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went out on sunday and did some target practice with the HMR, set up using a measuring wheel at 50 yards then 100 yards then 150 yards, i was using Hornady 17 grain vmax ammo, at 50 yards i managed a 5p group, at 100 yards which is what the rifle is zerode at i managed a 10p group but when i went out to 150 yards things changed and could only manage a group of about 2 1/2" using holdover of about 3" which is still fine for body shots on bunnies but to be honest if i cant head shoot them i dont usually bother and dont normally shoot past 120 yards anyway, i know all HMR ammo is made in the same factory and then rebranded apart from the winchester stuff so has anyone used the winchester ammo and what accuracy are you getting with it, i have heard it is more accurate, dont get me wrong im happy with the hornady stuff i can hit everything i shoot at at 100 yards, whats your views.


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Has that gay orange wheel thing bin calibrated that's never 100 yards more like 30 ft pffff could do that with air rifle lol

:lol: yes its calibrated and you need your eyes testing fella its yellow as well you know and that is 150 yards

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If its a new barrel it might need cleaning. Probably needs running in a bit. I found accuracy to improve after a bit of use and a few cleans to settle it down. The winchester supremes are spot on in my CZ. I stuck a beer bottle top out on a post at 120 and fired three shots, didn't think I'd hit it at all. Walked up to find it impressed in the wood slightly with three holes in it. Can't expect much better than that I don't reckon. Run a few more rounds through and keep cleaning it and I think you'll find it soon improves on what you're getting now and also you'll get used to the gun more. 150 is a fair old way anyway for tack driving hmr's, specially if its not in still air.

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If its a new barrel it might need cleaning. Probably needs running in a bit. I found accuracy to improve after a bit of use and a few cleans to settle it down. The winchester supremes are spot on in my CZ. I stuck a beer bottle top out on a post at 120 and fired three shots, didn't think I'd hit it at all. Walked up to find it impressed in the wood slightly with three holes in it. Can't expect much better than that I don't reckon. Run a few more rounds through and keep cleaning it and I think you'll find it soon improves on what you're getting now and also you'll get used to the gun more. 150 is a fair old way anyway for tack driving hmr's, specially if its not in still air.

cheers fella, i do clean it after every use and your right 150 yards is a fair old way, gunna give the winchesters a go

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ya know how bad my eyes are, i thought a plane was a crow last time we were out :hmm:


yellow,yellow,even on christmas day,thats deffo yello.......

im all confused now, i say yellow but im colour blind, swiss says orange, someone tell me

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It's orange.


Back to the subject, a 10p sized 100yd group in the field is fine, nothing wrong there. The 150yd group is not really a worry, perhaps there was more wind than you thought, HMR is affected a lot more once you get further out. If it does it in dead still conditions then look at the rifle / ammo.

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It's orange.


Back to the subject, a 10p sized 100yd group in the field is fine, nothing wrong there. The 150yd group is not really a worry, perhaps there was more wind than you thought, HMR is affected a lot more once you get further out. If it does it in dead still conditions then look at the rifle / ammo.

aye, as said i can comfortably head shoot bunnies at 100 yards, just thought it would be a little better at 150, will try the winchesters and see but as i said earlier i dont really shoot at quarry at 150 yards with it.

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Winchesters are the best in my Wiehrauch. I now zero 20mm high at 70 yds and at that range its a ragged hole and the raggedness is probably down to me. At 125 yds I've had 10mm groups.

I find Winchester ammo excellent and touch wood I've never had any of the misfiring horror stories of some brands.

I Zero with a clean barrel and clean again thoroughly after 100 rounds using Forrest bore foam. And I mean thoroughly. The patches must come out spotless. Then there is no shooting in required. In fact I don't check unless I've started a new batch. I've found Forrest foam to be the quickest way back to a clean bore with an HMR.

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