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My new HFT target


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Thought some of you lot might like to see this.


I bought a re-settable solo practise target from a guy on Fleabay a few months back.




Its a good gadget, but after a bit I got fed up just aiming at two discs, so I thought how can I make it more interesting.

After a lot of thought I came up with the target below. What do you reckon? :yes::lol:




I know it won't last for ever, after all it is only made out of 3mm alloy, but it should do the business for a bit.

I made the kill zone for the rabbit as 25mm and for the squirrel it is 15mm to make things a bit more exciting. I then simply painted it with black and white Hammerite.


Oh, and NO I am NOT taking orders :lol:




And before anyone states that it is not a silent target (see one of my other threads) I do not intend to use it in the back garden, at least not when the neighbours are in! ;)

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Nice design mate! Did you have to muck about with the spring tension to get it right?



No I have had no need to mess about with the spring tension, it seems just fine for my rifle at the moment.

Mind you I have only used it at 15m range so far, but if I take it out into the field I may need to adjust the tension when I use it at a greater distance.



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Sights need to come left a few clicks though.


Nice work :lol:


Cheers Mate! :good:


That was with my old rifle, my S200 is a lot better and after spending 2 hours this afternoon at the North Wales Shooting School my sights are spot on :lol:


Glad you like the work though, if I had the technology I would offer them for sale, but it took me long enough to get one made.



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looks grate that mate really nice idear


what do you think of the NWSS?


I think that it is not a bad place to spend a couple of hours for a fiver.

However, that said the air rifle section could really do with an overhaul. Quite a few of the targets are battered and bent and could really do with being replaced.

Additionally, it would be good if they could sort out some sort of distance marking on their zeroing lanes (perhaps on the cables that move the target) that would aid setting up your combo at the right distances.



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