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First variation - what to expect


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Hi all,


I was granted my first FAC a few months back and was only granted a .22lr with the promise of a free variation six months later for a .17hmr as the FEO didn't believe I had the requisite experience to handle a .17hmr safely. (I did argue the point, but also know when to pick my battles!)

Setting aside the issue of not granting a .17hmr at initial grant, I have now applied for my variation to add the .17hmr. I spoke to the Kent firearms dept yesterday who said that my file would be going to the FEO at the end of this week. I was just wondering out of interest what the procedure is now. Clearly, being Kent police I imagine I'm in for a long long wait, but wondered whether there was another home visit/interview to come or whether it'll be a phone conversation etc?

I haven't even mentioned the subject of applying for a centrefire for fox control as getting a slightly more powerful rimfire appears to be a bit of an ask round my way!


Thanks in advance



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The FEOs point was that if I tried to use holdover when shooting a .17hmr, I was likely to shoot over my intended target and potentially into whatever was behind. My response to that was quite simple - I would never take a shot without a suitable backstop, and I'm fully aware that the ballistic characteristics of a .17hmr produce a much flatter trajectory and that I would therefore not need to use holdover at the ranges I was planning to shoot at.

Not satisfactory apparently!

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He sounds like a bit of a twerp in my opinion



He'd already made his mind up before he even walked in my house. I think it was more a case of refusal because he could instead of it being the right thing to do. On the other hand, had he have granted it straight away I probably would have bought the .17hmr first instead of the .22 and I'd have missed out on the enjoyment of shooting the .22lr!

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