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benelli m2


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I bought myself a Fabarm left handed semi auto as there is a limited choice for us lefties and i didn't want to spend benelli money (it was about £350 second hand from a dealer who'd had it for a while - not sure if that's a good sign though!!).


I had no issues with it when i got it from the shop but sometimes it can be a bit selective when ejecting, i think that's probably more dure to the fact it needs a proper clean than anything else. There are cheaper options out there but whether they are a good i don't know - have never shot another auto (other than an escort...).

ive looked at the fabarm xlr 5, but from what ive heard they are short in the LOP and this i sno good for me, im sure there is way to alter the LOP though, also heard some reviews saying they jam ect... this is only from what ive heard.

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Yeah mine looks like the one above but is older, think mine is a H368 euro lion or something like that. The wood on mine looks amazing but i think it's the surgically enhanced type stuff rather then genuine. Like i said minimal issues when i first got it, took it straight to clays and ran some 24g's through it, maybe i should just give it a good clean and see if it returns to it's former glory!

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Hi I have the m2 in max4 camo and I use this all the time I've had two black eagles as well.but I prefer the m2 I've on used 24 gram up to 36 gram with no problems at all.ive just traded the super black eagle in for a miroku mk38 but I woul highly recommend one


Thx, why length were the 24g cartridges?

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Hi! I bought an almost brand new condition 2008 Benelli M2 (pre Comfort-Tech stock model) just over a year ago. The gun had hardly shot anything and was like new. I took it out the night I bought it and loaded three Eley First 28g cartridges into it and pulled the trigger as fast as I could. It spat out three balls of fire (it was dark) and ejected 3 hulls!

Further experiments included mixed loads and I even bought a box of cheap Eley First 21g cartridges which it fired in isolation or when mixed with No.6 30's and 32's.


I have never had a problem with this gun, it's light to carry all day, feels nice in the hands, and even put in a good show at a local clay ground.


I would buy another without hesitation. I bought a Supernova Pump on the strength of how well engineered and put together Benelli shotguns are, that gun does have the Comfort-Tech stock, and to be honest I can't really perceive any difference. I'm sure others will tell you how they can feel the gel pad things compressing and saving them from recoil but I'd imagine a great deal of that is placebo.


One thing I will say; if you do end up buying one you need to commit to firing the gun tucked firmly into the shoulder. Because of the way the inertia system works it needs a pretty solid backstop to function well. I've never tried it, but I'd imagine shooting from the hip or with an airy-fairy grip in the shoulder could create problems.


My M2 is my go-to gun for most rough shooting, in fact if it weren't for British clay ground and game shoot snobbery I'd have sold my Browning O/U and bought another Benelli, possibly one of those hideous Amazon green Vinci's that are almost ao ugly that they're beautiful!


By all means buy a gas operated semi from the likes of Browning or Beretta, I'm sure none would disappoint, but I wouldn't swap my M2 for a brand new Maxus or AL391 Ulrika and a slab of cartridges!


Here's an excerpt from an American forum where they were debating 'The Best Semi Auto Shotgun' in time honoured fashion....biased I know but here it is anyway, for what it's worth....


"Well, based on 30+ years of shooting, and over 2 decades of being a gun fixer, I probably have a little different opinion from most about what makes for the best semi-auto shotgun. IMO, the best all around semi-auto shotgun ever is the Browning A5, dead relaible no matter what, and relatively hunter-proof. A very close second is the Benelli M2. Gas-operted shotguns like the Beretta, Browning Gold and Silver, Winchester SuperX2, Remington 100, 11-87, etc, all have issues with gas systems sooner or later. Not a huge issue, but they require parts and cleaning in order to remain in working order. Recoil operated guns, on the other hand (including Benelli's "Inertia Operated" system) can go and go and go and go and go with nary a hiccup. Costs more, but worth it."


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Thx salty for your reply made for some good reading :), interesting what you say about holding the gun tight into your shoulder, I've seen a lot of "trick" clay shooter shoot hem over head, off the hip eft, think of Tom knapp and he benelli team,


Thx for the reply :)



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No worries mate, glad to help! I bet old Tom Knapp uses more expensive cartridges than a cheap-*** like me! It seems in America slugs are our equivalent of a heavy load, and they consider a 32/36g 5 or 6 to be "birdshot" which is cheap as **** and they get free from Walmart with 3 donuts!!

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Ha ye, I also bet he gets them free, why carts do ou use? 65mm? 67mm? Ye they are a bit different over there lol


Generally whatever's on special offer. Currently have a crop of Fiocchi 32g 6 fibre wads for game and pigeons, and a bunch of Fiocchi 28g 7.5 clay loads. As long as they go bang and are cheap enough I don't get too worked up about it all.


People get too carried away with favouring certain s cartridges but essentially they're a plastic tube with some gunpowder and lead balls in, and a primer. Simples!


I think mine are 67mm by the way.

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hey most likley going to be ordering one sometime soon now :), just a question to m2 owners im having trouble deciding what finish to get it in, that is black synthetic or in a cam finishes, i prefer the look of the realtree APG over the black, just wondering what it looks like in real life and how good the coat is, does it peel off easy or anything like that ?


cheers solz

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I HAD an M2 cammo bought brand new ........ it missfired and and was toatlly unreliable right from the start. I returned it to GMK through the dealer on 3 occasions and was never sorterd out!!


It was definatley the worst most unreliable gun I have ever owned ........... just my experience I know of many more fowlers who swear by them?!

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My M2 hasnt missed a beat unlees ive used 21 gram cartridges ! 28gram cycles every time purfect !

I went Black syntetic and its great still like new and I love it ! It sits besides my Mossberg 500 pump also in black syntetic ! I wouldnt buy a cammo shotgun myself as so many of the finishes wear off ! The matt black is fine for all I do !



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My M2 hasnt missed a beat unlees ive used 21 gram cartridges ! 28gram cycles every time purfect !

I went Black syntetic and its great still like new and I love it ! It sits besides my Mossberg 500 pump also in black syntetic ! I wouldnt buy a cammo shotgun myself as so many of the finishes wear off ! The matt black is fine for all I do !




thx, that what i was wondering, although most of my shooting will be in a hide but on the odd occasion i go shooting clays a camo gun would look a bit out of place?


yes that was my worry with the camo peeling off, just wondering what the benelli's were like

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