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Early Doors Vixen

The Essex Hunter

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It is surprising where these foxes come from! I was having a count up last night and got too around 85+ that we have accounted for in a 4 mile radius from my house.

I saw 2 last night the first one was trotting across the field and did not want to not stop!

However this vixen was heading to a brace of hares, the amber lens is a real bonus with the lack of cloud cover and moonlight…

I quick HEY and she came to her last stop….165 yard walk from the headland over a rain soaked wheat field.










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I have to say at the moment we are filter off and get on them fast and really you don't get much difference they run round us whatever you put on them at times due to poachers lamping with dogs. White just gives you more visibility and lets you shoot them further out with certainty, I had the pressure of a first time out with next doors keeper this week when you shoot them at that sort of range the time delay of hearing the round hit is agonising

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nice and a fair distance too. i have the amber on permanently my thinking is most lights around seem amber at night so the fox will be less alarmed . and you also see better less light loss

I am using the red lamp out of the truck to pick up a set of eyes, then we set out on foot with the quad sticks and amber filter etc, shot 2 more last night one was 225 meters as the lad is tall and takes big steps so that was a very nice distance...my 700 has been busy this week!




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