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Jahti Jakt


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Hi All,

Just got a Jahti Jakt Classic Shooting Suit from my lovely wife as a Christmas present.

I had seen the adverts for some time and then a friend said he had had a jacket some time ago and it was very good.

Bit the bullet and ordered their Classic on Sunday by supplying height, chest size and ......ummm... weight !


The suit turned up and it looks and feels very good quality, and best of all the fit is superb (made my day by just being a Large)

Along with the jacket and trousers I got a 'bonus package' of micro dry underwear (long johns and vest), fleece style gilet and a baseball cap - all for £199 delivered !


I won't get to wear it properly till between Christmas and New Year, so I was wondering if others have Jahti Jakt gear and if so how is it standing up to use ?

I have always had Rivers West until now, but price and availabilty are both getting silly so hoping to get a long happy life from this, new to me brand.




PS - how do you pronounce Jahti Jakt - phonetic spelling appreciated.

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I pronounce it jartee jackt no idea if its right or not.


Had mine 5 years nearly, heavy use for 2 years and lighter use since as ive got various other stuff I change between. Still waterproof, my kit had thermal base layer, fleece mid layer, fleece jacket, jacket, trousers, hat and hiviz vest for £160 at the time, price has gone up a bit since but still well worth the money especially if your a cost conscious shooter and can't afford top end kit like me.



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I've had mine for years. I was concerned that the material felt quite thin and at the time I was doing most shooting in woodland with many thorn bushes and brambles, but it took it all OK and is still intact, although the excellent camo has faded a bit. It doesn't shrug off the brambles as well as a waxed jacket, so you will get caught up occasionally.


I did find that if I get it really muddy and just leave it to dry most of the mud falls off next time I wear it, maybe something to do with the waterproofing but quite welcome.


All round I'm well pleased.

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Thanks for all the replies and comments :good: - just have to wait for Christmas morning now to tear off the wrapping paper !


43 years young and still love Christnas day morning - am I the only one ?

Ebeneezers need not reply !




That's a good price! Have you got a link?





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