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FAC With Shared Storage


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Hi All,


I am due to but an application in for a 22LR and a 17HMR which will be my first firearms certificate application,

Currently me and the mrs are both shotgun certificate holders and have shared access to the cabinet.


The plan was to install a second cabinet for ammunition and put any rifles I acquire in the same cabinet as the shotguns however it occurred to me that the mrs has access to the cabinet at the moment, so the question is would I need a third cabinet to store any rifles or could I simple "remove access" from the mrs (noting that she doesn't have shotguns on her ticket)?


Another question, I do have permission to shoot on some land, what would the licensing officers need, would they need a written letter from the owner and would they need to go out for a site visit?

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Your Mrs must not access to either your fac rifles or ammunition.

You might therefore have to convince the FEO that your wife has no access to the cabinet.


Land wise,

if you put a permission letter in with your FAC application it can't hurt and shows you have need of the 22lr and 17hmr for Pest Control purposes.

They will like as not already know if the land has been cleared or will use various methods to decide suitablilty.


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Yes you wife can't access your S1 guns or ammo. You wouldn't need to install 2 more cabinets, you can get cabinets with a locking top inside for the ammo for this reason.


Alternatively you may be able to use a steel cable through the trigger guards on your rifles, allowing them to be kept in the shotgun cabinet without your wife being able to use them. Check with your FEO about this to see if they're happy with the idea, but I have heard of it being done.

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get your misses to apply for fac as well then theres no problem with storage and its cheaper than another cabinet

Only problem there is with the 'need' to possess a firearm. If in interview it came out that she had no real interest in FAC shooting, instant kickback

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When i first got my sgc and fac i was sharing a cabinet with my dad. he only had a sgc. The only condition was that i had to install a security cable through the trigger of any of the rifles so that my dad couldnt remove it from the cabinet. we shared a cabinet for months with no problems at all.

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I was going to go for shared storage of my section 1 stuff with my son. As the FEO pointed out, we would both have to have each others guns on our certs, and any variations would have to be done on both FACs at £26 each. Cheaper and less aggro to get 2 cabinets IMO.

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I was going to go for shared storage of my section 1 stuff with my son. As the FEO pointed out, we would both have to have each others guns on our certs, and any variations would have to be done on both FACs at £26 each. Cheaper and less aggro to get 2 cabinets IMO.


amazing how different forces work but when I sent both tickets for variation I rang up and was told to just send £26 it covered both tickets variation was granted fine for me having the misses able to bring me a gun out to work or nip to the shop for ammo etc is a real bonus as is the fact that should my renewal ever be delayed my guns stay put

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