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Criminals should forfeit their rights not the other way round!


welcome to labour run england.


Sorry but it did say Knives banned in SCOTLAND not england :lol::lol::P:P:lol:


On a serious note though it is so stupid, same as the gun laws it hasn't stopped the crims walking around with semi and fully auto weapons :good::blush: If you are willing to carry a knife to stab someone are you going to worry about being caught with a blade, nope i don't think so. If you have no respect for another humans life why are you going to be law abiding :blink: :blink: :lol:


Again it is us LAW ABIDING folk that get shafted. :blink:

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I dont get why this law came into effect.

A knife is just a sharp object that can be used for cutting tape/string etc, and 99.999% of all people will use the knife sensibly.


But supposing we DID need a knife as self protection (especially a young lady walking home at night) we get fined/court/jailed.

As said above, why cant those of us with FAC/SGC's, families, and jobs not be trusted with a knife because some stupid chavs keep knifing eachother/unfortunatley us.





I think there should be a island for convicts again. Dump em all of and leave them to their fate :good:

Then give our rights back.

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What about the gangs on tv recently with baseball bats hitting **** out of each other :good: What will they ban next :blush: Its no good banning things because they will just use something else to kill each other or some innocent passer-by.


Why don't they look into the cause for knife crime first then see what can be done about it.



Politicians are idiots living in a dream world.

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Why don't they look into the cause for knife crime first then see what can be done about it.


Taking into account that politicians are rarely any cleverer than you, or me, why do you think there has been an increase in knife crimes ?


The answer is probably very long, involving lots of related factors, most of which its too late to rectify.


Therefore, the easiest thing to do is to try to control the ownership of knives.


I agree that its an imposition on us law abiding folks, but I can't think of any sensible alternative.

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