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CZ 452 Style - glare when lamping?


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Hi all, I've just had a variation signed off to add a .17 hmr to my FAC - nearly 4 months and still waiting for my cert. Kent police seem to be awful at the moment although its been with my FEO for a month and a half before he called...


Anyhow- I have a 452 silhouette in .22lr and I'm thinking I may go for the Style in .17hmr but since I'll be lamping with it wondered whether anyone had experience of lamping with the Style and whether the stainless barrel caused any glare issues?

Thanks in advance.

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The style doesnt have a stainless steel barrel but has a nickel plated barrel which has a dull finish and is more hardwearing than blueing.

I have the 'style' 16" barrel and have no problems with glare.


If you were so inclined, you can get neoprene barrel covers..............



Edited by peek-at
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Perfect, thanks chaps. Didn't realise that the nickel was harder wearing than the blued finish so thanks for that.

I suffer from glare from my SAK moderator on my silhouette anyway, and my solution to that is some electrical tape over the bottom third of my objective lens.


Will be picking up a .17hmr style as soon as that variation comes through!


Cheers and happy new year to all.

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I have 452 varmints in both 22lr and 17hmr, using a clulite lamp, it has an attachement to hold the lamp on a 25mm scope and this conveniently fits on the heavy barrelled varmint barrel. I clamp the lamp underneath the barrel and this gets rid of any reflection issues what so ever. I have tested accuracy with lamp on and off and does not effect accuracy either though not sure how this would work on the lighter barrelled style or silhouette models.

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